Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Literature review one and two Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

One and two - Literature review Example The study focuses on the issues of child abuse on three main age groups that it, parents of children below 11 years, teenagers between 11 – 17 years and a group between 18- 24 years. The sample on these three groups included 2,160, 2,275, and 1,761 subjects respectively (Radford et al. 2011, p. 218). However, the study does not give details on the sampling techniques, which were used at arriving in the stated representative sample. However, the fact that all ages were represented indicates that the findings were objective and credible. This study was an improvement of previous studies, which lacked in terms of objective representative samples. In their definition, child maltreatment is concerned with physical, emotional, and psychological ill-treatment. It also referred exploitation of children by certain members of the society including their parents, close friends, and strangers. Physical maltreatment included hitting, kicking, spanking and slapping of their children. Issues of neglect were also said to cause emotional problems to children. Neglect included denying children parental love, access to quality education and healthcare, and failure to provide them with general basic needs (Children’s Taskforce, Department of Health 2012, p. 865). The study findings indicated that 1.2% of the children less than 11 years were severely punished. However, it appeared that severe punishment increased as the ages increased. For instance, in the 7.1% of the group between the ages brackets 11-19 had been severely punished (Radford et al. 2011, p.300). This increased to 11.5% in 17-24 age brackets. In addition to that, it was indicated that over 0.5% of the children under the age of 11 had been sexually abused. This would however rise to 4.8% in the age bracket 11-19. In the final bracket of 18 – 24, 11.3% of the subjects had been exposed

Monday, October 28, 2019

Importance of black church Essay Example for Free

Importance of black church Essay One of the primary institutional foundations of the black community is the Black church. It is necessary to evaluate the role that has been played by the Black church in response of the abovementioned needs and negative impacts of the black youth today. In this regard, a total of 635 Northern churches were surveyed by the Black Church Family Project. The North Central comprises of 320 churches, while, Northeastern United States comprises of 315 churches. Youth support programs were regarded during the existence of the churches. Adolescent nonmembers of the church were targeted by at least one program in one hundred and seventy-six churches. Low-income homes were most of the targets, as suggested during the study. â€Å"Many have sought to account for the distinctive features of black religious life by focusing major attention on the distant past. They have been preoccupied with African roots rather than with the American experience out of which the black churches emerged† (1983, 157). A variety of sources was used by the Black Church Family Project for the identification of the targets, as black churches were not having any comprehensive list of their churches. Official denominational lists, the National Urban League, as well as, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s local chapters were included in these sources. In addition, local ministerial alliance’s list, and data from the universities were also included in the sources. The executive offices of the mayors and county executives were also inquired for any valid information during the study. Funeral directors, telephone directories, and black churches, as well as, the denominations were also included and regarded in the sources during the assessment of sources as maximum as possible. The Lincoln and Mamiya study that was done in the year 1990 was focused during the study, and its seven historically black denominations were focused as a goal during the study. Eight historically white denominations and several other black denominations were also used for the maximum collection of information regarding the subject. Several noteworthy limitations have been confronted during the study. First, no previously developed or verified resources were benefited by the designing of the project-sampling frame due to the non-availability of the national roster of black congregations. The identification of the sampling universe was the first major problem of the study. The actual number of the black churches across the country was unknown, although, 65,000 to 75,000 was the estimated number of black churches in the United States, as agreed by the religious scholars of the country. Identification and location of some churches were not possible due to their faith traditions and churches with no permanent addresses and telephone numbers. Therefore, the sample excluded and underrepresented these entities. Thirty-nine percent of the churches provided the greatest interest regarding the teen-support programs among the 176 churches, in which, youth programs were organized. Christian fellowships, seminars group, workshops discussions, rap sessions, counseling, and ministry were consisted in these programs. Sports activities were the second most prominent offering in these churches. Athletic camps, teams, and martial arts classes were provided by thirty-one percent of the churches. Three percent of the churches provided youth AIDS support programs, while two percent of the churches offered youth health-related services, which were among the least common programs. Persons with AIDS were given with financial support, counseling, classes, and seminars by the former one. Health clinics, screening of health problems, and seminars were included in the latter one. However, it should be noted that fifteen percent of the churches offered substance abuse programs. Counseling for drug and alcohol, seminars for drug abuse preventive measures, and various workshops were included in these substance abuse programs of the churches. Additionally, sixteen percent of the churches offered college student financial support services, which included emergency financial assistance, and scholarships. Parenting and sexuality issues were handled by fifteen percent of the churches. These churches offered counseling, classes, workshops, pregnancy preventive measures, seminars, and support for teen parents. Issues regarding the youth at risk were dealt by fourteen percent of the churches. Counseling, delinquency prevention, and delinquent youth residence issues were included in these offering. Role modeling was reported by eight percent of the churches, which included mentors, and foster grandparents. Employment and job readiness was reported by seven percent of the churches, which included summer employment opportunities, job training, and career/job fairs. Other youth support programs were listed by fourteen percent of the churches. The importance of human resources and leadership was suggested by another finding. The more youth programs were found, when the clergy was paid more. Youth programs were offered by only sixteen percent of the churches with no paid clergy. However, one paid clergy was found in only twenty-nine percent of the churches, and two or more paid clergy were found in forty-nine percent of the churches during the study. The youth programs were also depended on the number of paid staff in the churches. In this regard, youth programs were offered by only eighteen percent of the churches, which were not having any paid staff. The youth programs were existed in a number of characteristics of the churches. Methodist, middle-class, older, and larger membership churches were found to be more interested in organizing youth programs in their communities. In addition, owned or mortgaged, and churches with more staff and paid clergy were also appeared to be having greatest interest in youth programs. Youth programs are not offered by most of the black churches, even with the availability of such characteristics and resources. For instance, some types of family-oriented community outreach programs are offered by two-thirds of black churches in Northern regions, the specific youth programs are addressed by only a quarter of these churches. In addition, some variations were also noted among the churches during the study. Considerable potential for expansion is suggested, as youth programs have been engaged and organized by only a quarter of black churches.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Crow Lake :: Character Analysis, Kate Morrison

Crow Lake Essay In Crow Lake, Mary Lawson portrays a family who experience a great tragedy when Mr. and Mrs. Morrison are killed in a car accident. This tragedy changes the lifestyles of the seven years old protagonist Kate Morrison and her siblings Matt, Luke and Bo. The settings are very important in this novel. Though there are limited numbers of settings, the settings used are highly effective. Without effective use of themes in this novel, the reader would not have been able to connect with the characters and be sympathetic. Lawson uses an exceptionally high degree of literary devices to develop each character in this novel. The element of setting is used to create a definite atmosphere, and therefore, helping to create a desired mood .In Kate’s childhood, she and Matt visited the ponds regularly. They used to go â€Å"through the woods with their luxuriant growth of poison ivy, along the tracks, past the dusty boxcars lines up receive their loads of sugar beets, down the steep sandy path to the ponds themselves† (Lawson 4). Lawson has used powerful imagery to further describe the ponds. The settings of the ponds are a central part of the story. The ponds are a symbol of the tight relationship between Matt and Kate. They had spent â€Å"hundreds of hours there† (Lawson 15). Ponds were like a home to her. In the prologue, Kate stated that â€Å"there is no image of my childhood that I carry with me more clearly than that† (Lawson 4). The ponds also symbolizes Kate’s childhood. Matt and Kate were able to overcome the tragedy of their parent’s death by visiting t he ponds, but however, they did not survive Matt’s â€Å"disloyalty†. The ponds later developed into the scene of the crime. Kate mentions in the book â€Å"By the following September the ponds themselves would have been desecrated twice over, as far as I was concerned, and for some years after that I did not visit them at all† (Lawson 218). Therefore, the ponds are of great significance in Crow Lake. The setting has developed from a warm, sweet, memorable place to a scene of crime in crow Lake. The theme of isolation is established and developed through the setting of Crow Lake. Located against the deserted territory of Northern Ontario, Crow Lake is a diffident farming settlement that is â€Å"... linked to the outside world by one dusty road and the railroad tracks† (Lawson 9).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Life Vision

Stable, positive environment that enables my family to grow and prosper. I want to create a legacy for my children to add to and pass along to their children. As humans, we don't live forever. And, for most of us, we won't end up in the history books. However, this doesn't resolve us to be forgotten when the final bell rings. I truly feel that we can live forever in the sense that the generations that come after us will use the lessons and values that we taught them. I feel particularly strong about this belief as a parent.I want to be a good wife, daughter, sister, mother and friend. In addition, I want to be a good employee and have a successful career without ever having to compromise the principles that guide my life. By ‘good,' I mean that I want to be honest, trustworthy, compassionate, caring, loving, forgiving, and above all, I want to be a productive member of society. If I can accomplish my mission, the results may not be tangible, but they will bring me personal sati sfaction.The moral values taught to me by the positive adults in my life and my religion is what guides every aspect of my life. I will never allow ambition for power or money to influence y mission or my daily life if it meaner that I have to compromise my principles. My daily life is guided by my mission. Honesty and integrity are a major part of my life and I try meeting my LIFE's commitments with the same. I feel that I am very fortunate to have a guide to accomplish my life's mission.My guide is not one person or one thing; it is the experiences that I have had, the people that have taught me along the way, and my interpretation of it all that illuminates the path to my future. The beauty of being an interactive member of society is the exposure to other people, their values, and their experiences. It is comparable to eating at the world's greatest buffet; every ideal, every value, and every experience is there to learn from, but you only have to take away what you choose to. T his concept applies to both my professional life and personal life.As a woman with many Jobs to balance, I always try to adopt good examples of leadership from those around me. So over the next 5 years I have plans that are not going to be easy to get to but well worth it in the end. For starters over the next year I am going to continue with my core classes for the R. N program with Chattahoochee Tech. In the fall of 2014 1 hope to be able to apply to R. N program and get in. Fingers crossed. During this time my family and I are going to take our first family vacation to Disney World.Also when I finish the program with Chattahoochee Tech I am going to bridge to Keenness State. During this time I will continue to try and get my foot in the door at Children's Health Care of Atlanta. Which is where I would like to work in the ERE when I am finished with school. I would also like to have a nice home of our own but all of those things I will work out as I come to them. Life cannot be pl anned perfectly. Hardships are thrown our way, and we'll experience road-bumps. The important thing to remember is that we never let go of our dreams.Aim high, work hard – and accomplish what you've set out to do. Although my plans may change, I'm willing to work to make them happen. Finally , † Who will and can help me reach my goals. † My family, I have talked with them in great detail about my plans over the next 5 years and they all are very supportive. Summary, I feel my mission statement of being viewed favorably by those that care for and care about me is being achieved. I also feel my actions in my daily life match well with my mission – and I intend to ensure this continues in the future.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Intercultural Relations Essay

Question: There is no need to study intercultural relation. Discuss Communication occurs between individuals who have varying degree of intimacy within each other. Intercultural relations capability is the degree to which people effectively adapt his/her nonverbal and verbal messages to the appropriate cultural context (Kiss 2008). Intercultural relations can be taken place when individuals influenced by different cultural societies exchange shared meanings in communication. Yet, intercultural relations can be formed of different nationalities, different ethnic and even different religion, as well as communication among individuals of different sexual orientation. However, communicating and exchanging values within different culture of individuals is complex as communication process is apparently complicated involving cognitive process, cultural background, individual’s linguistic capability and even biological process. Stienfatt and Roger 1999, claims that one of the most illuminating aspects of intercultural communication is that it opens our minds to the interplay of varied influenced. The world these days is facing great challenges of an increasingly diverse in cultures. Interaction and exchanging values between individuals from different cultures can lead to a whole host of benefits, for instance establishing good relationships within society and healthier communities. Yet, culture allows individuals to connect in small communities to larger communities through exchanged experiences and values (Lull 1995). Intercultural relations assist students step back from their characteristic point of view of seeing the world and demonstrates the influences that have constructed the ways of viewing this world. Cited in Stienfatt and Roger 1999, Gitlin 1995 indicated the concept of people thinking that human think within the intellectual and cultural currents that surround them. Back into the last decade, invasion; colonialization; and warfare brought individuals among countries with divergent cultures into face-to-face contact. An improvement of technologies in communication and rapidly evolving the transportation has changed the way individuals interact and communicate with each other in terms of intercultural relations and communication. However, people from different cultures are usually representative of divergent norms and psychological elements. The crusade explored that communication through various cultures occurred among individuals by human nature. Jerusalem is one of great examples cities in Middle East where people in different cultures and religions; Muslims; Christian; and Jews living together in relative peacefulness and harmoniousness. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Jerusalem indicated that communication effectiveness among divergent cultures and religions are not relying on the study of intercultural relations. Nevertheless, cited in Yinyan 2013, Y. Y. Kim (1988) argued that person who wishes to accomplish an effective intercultural interaction in terms of intercultural relations must be equipped with skills and abilities to be capable and deal with dynamics of cultural diversity. Yet, cite in Sydney morning herald article, Munro (2009) had explored the experiences of an Australian diplomat who worked in Jakarta decided to resign from her workplace due to the strict rules of international diplomacy. The purpose of this essay is demonstrated the necessity of intercultural relations for human being and discuss the terms of intercultural. People are socialized in their own culture and also different in cultures are different norms. An effectiveness communication in intercultural relations can occur by human being in every generation as indicated in our predecessors in Crusades which is people should be culturally sensitive.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Data Encryption Essays - Cryptography, Symmetric-key Algorithm

Data Encryption Essays - Cryptography, Symmetric-key Algorithm Data Encryption The electronic age has brought forth many technological advances. With these advances came the need for security and tighter control on how we send information electronically over the Internet or through a network. Date encryption is, in its simplest terms, the translation of data into a secret code. In order to read an encrypted file, the receiver of the file must obtain a secret key that will enable him to decrypt the file. A deeper look into cryptography, cryptanalysis, and the Data Encryption Standard (DES) will provide a better understanding of date encryption. Cryptographic Methods There are two standard methods of cryptography, asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption. Data that is in its original form (unscrambled) is called plaintext. Once the data is scrambled and in its encrypted form it is called ciphertext. The ciphertext, which should be unintelligible to anyone not holding the encryption key, is what is stored in the database or transmitted down the communication line. Asymmetric encryption (also know as public key encryption) uses two separate keys, a public key and a private key. The private key is available only to the individual receiving the encrypted message. The public key is available to anyone who wishes to send data or communicate to the holder of the private key. Asymmetric encryption is considered very safe but is susceptible to private key theft or breaking of the private key (this is virtually impossible and would constitute trying billions of possible key combinations) (4). Types of public key algorithms include Riverst-Shamir-Adelman (RSA), Diffie-Hellman, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), EIGamal, and LUC (5). Symmetric encryption uses only one key (a secret key) to encrypt and decrypt the message. No public exchange of the key is required. This method is vulnerable if the key is stolen or if the ciphertext is broken (4). Types of symmetric algorithms include DES, Blowfish, International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), RC4, SAFER, and Enigma (5). Cryptanalysis Cryptanalysis is the art of breaking cryptography. Methods of cryptanalysis include: h Ciphertext-only attack V the attacker works from ciphertext only. The attacker does not know anything about the message and is merely guessing about the plaintext (6). h Know-plaintext attack V the attacker know the plaintext. Knowing this information, the attacker can attempt to decrypt the ciphertext (6). h Chosen plaintext attack V the attacker can have a message encrypted with the unknown key. The attacker must then determine the key used for encryption (6). h Man-in-the-middle attack V the attacker intercepts the key that is being exchanged between parties (6). Data Encryption Standard (DES) In 1977 the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and IBM developed the Data Encryption Standard, or DES, to provide a means by which data could be scrambled, sent electronically to a destination, and then unscrambled by the receiver. DES was developed to protect data in the federal computer systems against passive and active attacks (3). Every five years the NIST reviews the DES and determines whether the cryptographic algorithm should be revised, is acceptable, or completely withdrawn. DES uses a very complex algorithm, or key, that has been deemed unbreakable by the U.S. government. There are 72,000,000,000,000,000 (72 quadrillion) or more possible encryption keys that can be used. It applies a 56-bit key to each 64-bit block of data. This process involves 16 rounds of operations that mix the data and key together using operations of permutation and substitution. The end result is a completely scrambled data and key so that every bit of the ciphertext depends on every bit of the data plus every bit of the key (a 56-bit quantity for DES) (2). Conclusion Sending secure electronic information is vital for businesses today. Although the electronic age has made it easier for companies to send and receive information, it has also increased the need for security. Data encryption in itself will not assure any business of sending secure information, but understanding it will surely benefit the company. Businesses who understand cryptography, cryptanalysis, and Data Encryption Standard are on their way to understanding data encryption. Bibliography 1. Bay Networks, Inc. (1997). Configuring Software Encryption. 2. Biasci, L. (1999). Cryptology. 3. Frazier, R.E., (1999). Data Encryption Techniques. 4. Litterio, F., (1999). Cryptology: The Study of Encryption. 5. SSH Communications Security, (1999). Cryptographic Algorithms. 6. SSH Communications Security, (1999). Introduction

Monday, October 21, 2019

10 Analytical Essay Topics on Othello

10 Analytical Essay Topics on Othello Welcome to the first of our three guides on writing an analytical essay on Othello,   composed by the famous playwright, actor and poet William Shakespeare. Everyone knows Shakespeare as the greatest English writer of all time, and one of the world’s most prominent dramatists. But understanding Shakespeare’s plays can be quite a daunting task. However, you don’t have to worry since you’ve hit the jackpot! Shakespeare is known to be a playwright, who was always more influenced by the real-world rather than by abstract imaginations. The majority of his plays were based on tales, short stories and real events. Othello was no exception. This play was strongly influenced by Cinthio’s short-story â€Å"Un Capitano Moro.† In fact, all the characters had prototypes and were mentioned solely by their ranks and titles in the initial Italian version. Desdemona was the only hero whose name Shakespeare borrowed directly from Cinthio. Othello is the main character of this play. At the same time, if you have read this play not knowing its title you would suspect it is called â€Å"Iago†, because this secondary character surpasses Othello both in terms of dialogues and overall significance in the plot. Iago, the main villain of the story, had pronounced some of the most memorable lines in the history of drama, can still be heard in the everyday language of playwrights. He is also considered to be the most verbose character of the play. Othello was a pioneer play in shining a spotlight on the subject of interracial marriage as a mainstream entertainment of that time. In this matter, Shakespeare was ahead of his time, because the dilemma of interracial marriages has not been discussed for 350 years since then. â€Å"Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner† play and movie was the first mass piece of art dedicated to the same topic in the modern history. Othello is a very complex, and subtly nuanced play. It describes the story of Othello, a valiant army general, his wife Desdemona, and his ensign (second lieutenant), Iago. Since Iago doesn’t get promoted to the rank of a lieutenant, which he desperately wanted, he plots a deceit that makes   Othello accept the idea of his wife, Desdemona,   being unfaithful to him.Due to the personal tragedy, Othello becomes desperate to escape from the pressure of this nightmare. These sufferings blind him and make him kill the love of his life. When he finds out that he was tricked into believing gossips about his wife having an affair, he commits suicide out of regret, shame and moral pain. Such ending has very strong allusions to the â€Å"Oedipus Rex† by Sophocles. Iago gets executed in the end of the play, which is remarkable for Shakespeare, who never pursued the idea of the immediate punishment for evil. Shakespeare was inspired by Cinthios Un Capitano Moro, and most of the story, along with some plot twists based on it. However, we find that there are some characters, such as Roderigo, not existing in Cinthios Un Capitano Moro. Othello became so popular and famous in the 1900s. Its first film version was made in 1909. The originally titled film, Othello was directed by Ugo Falena. It was filmed in Venice, which made â€Å"Othello,† the first Shakespeare play filmed in its actual location. Amazing sights, strong group of actors and Ugo Falena’s impeccable taste brought the film to the top of numerous charts and Shakespeare once again got his well-earned recognition. Othello was interpreted and turned into movies more than 20 times by relentless Hollywood. These include Stuart Burges 1965 and Oliver Parkers 1995 classic adaptations, as well as Tim Blake Nelsons eccentric â€Å"O† filmed in 2001. Othello, the tragic hero in the play of William Shakespeares Othello, comes from the name of an ancient Roman emperor, Otho, which means â€Å"wealth†. At the same time you shouldn’t take it for granted as it is only a speculation that’s been made by historians. Honesty is one of the words that is intensely repeated throughout the play, at least 52 times to be exact. It may be due to the fact that the whole play is about ‘honesty’ and how Desdemona was very faithful to her husband, while Othello suspected otherwise, because Iago’s cunning plan. Othello was first performed in Whitehall Palace 1604. According to the history of Othello’s premier, the play is said to be performed on the Halloween  day, November the 1st. The adaptation of the play, however, wasn’t adapted during the Restoration Period – whereas, most of Shakespeare’s plays were adapted in that era. These facts will surely come in handy when you’re about to write an analytical essay on the play. We’ve also included seven references from where we’ve gathered these facts. This will save a lot of your time as you can use these links to find more information on a specific topic. It will allow you to concentrate more on actually writing the essay. But before you start writing, we urge you to read our second guide, 20 Othello essay topics, first – where you’ll find relevant topics on Othello, along with a sample essay helpful in   avoiding   any confusion when composing your paper. Of course, we have also included a final guide on how to write a killer analytical essay on Othello, which is a must-read. In this guide, you’ll explore how to write and compose a sublime and exemplary paper on Othello. References: Bullough, G. (1973). Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeares: Major tragedies. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. Volume VII (Vol. 7). Columbia University Press. Veldhuijzen, D. G. J. (2016). Feminism and Feminisms: An Analysis of Paula Vogel and Toni Morrison’s Feminist Play Appropriations of Othello (Bachelors thesis). Simmons, A. M. (2016). Supporting Critical Literacy in High School English by Using Systemic Functional Linguistics to Analyze Fantasy, Canonical, and Non Fiction Texts. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 13(3), 183-209. Smith, I. (2016). We are Othello: Speaking of race in early modern studies. Shakespeare Quarterly, 67(1), 104-124. Stella, C. (2016). Italian Studies: Cinquecento (1500–1599). The Years Work in Modern Language Studies, 76, 276-283. Dwivedi, A. V. (2016). Othello: Language and writing [Book Review]. Australasian Drama Studies, (68), 195. Mondal, S. Race, Ideology and Theatre: A Classroom Reading of Othello.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

12 important points to keep in mind while writing MBA application essays

12 important points to keep in mind while writing MBA application essays Test scores and grades are important, but admissions to business school is about more than getting good numbers. To compete successfully with a large group of high quality applicants, put in the work to assure that your essays are outstanding. After over fourteen years helping applicants with thousands of MBA application essays as an MBA admissions consultant, a dozen important points stand out as key to keep in mind when writing these key essays: 1. Answer what was asked. Surprisingly, most applicants think they answered the question asked but did not. Writing MBA application essays is a new challenge for most applicants, who have no basis on which to gauge their answers. An experienced MBA Admissions Consultant can help ensure you havent missed the mark. 2. â€Å"I’ll just write a few common essays, and use them for all my applications.†A typical MBA school requires a set of several essays, ranging from one to as many as ten for some European business schools. Top US b-schools typically require four or five essays. Many schools ask questions which have similar elements but are not exactly the same. To be competitive, each essay needs to be carefully answered as it is asked, which means school by school. And if you do use the same essay twice, be careful to change the school name everywhere, since many applicants overlook thata sure application killer! 3. Stay on track! As you add details about an example, it often becomes harder and harder to follow the line of your thoughts. The school wants to learn about you, not about the situations you’ve been in. Take the readers by the hand and guide them through to keep the focus on your main point, only sharing details that support that point. 4. Put extra effort into the question about your career. Be sure you powerfully portray your short-term and long-term career goals; how an MBA will fill any existing gaps between where you are now and reaching those goals; and (if asked) the level of research you’ve done to match the school’s unique offerings to your future career. Be careful to not simply restate your resume in detail herea common pitfall in many first drafts. 5. â€Å"I’m way over the word limit but there’s nothing that I can cut out!† Schools evaluate your ability to write concisely. An admissions consultant will help you focus on whats important and what isnt so you can stay under the word limit. Don’t give the admissions staff an easy way to choose someone else over you because you ignored the school’s word or page limit instructions! 6. â€Å"I changed my career goals for one school because that school is known for finance, whereas the other schools focus on marketing.† It is a huge mistake to completely change your answers based on what you think a school wants to hear. Schools are looking to understand the real you. It is true that certain characteristics are important for all applicants, such as leadership potential and communication skills. But more than anything else, schools are looking to admit diverse classes. If you try to change yourself to be what you think a school wants, you may be surprised to learn that they already had too many who fit that description and that your unique characteristics were exactly what they were looking for. 7. Do not use overly sophisticated language. Many overdo it, trying to impress a school, but it comes out reading stilted. Stay real and conversational. 8. Your essays should show Leadership, leadership, leadership. The number one quality to emphasize in your essays is leadership. Tell the admissions committee what your unique flavor of leader is. What doyour friends and colleagues say your greatest leadership talents are? Identify these skills as specifically as possible, and support them with examples from your professional (and possibly personal) life. 9. Don’t use examples of your experience prior to college. Schools will think you dont have anything worth talking about since then, and they dont want to admit people who did not (and will not) continue to achieve great things! 10. Never ask anyone, including an admissions consultant, to write essays for you. Schools will automatically reject you if it appears that you didnt write your own essays. 11. Never lie. Even if your personal ethics would allow you to lie in an application, you may be caught at some point, especially with schools now carefully checking out details. Never lie! 12. Never send in any essays with typos, spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. No one is perfect, but sending in essays with typos, misspelled words, or grammatical errors can give an admissions officer an easy way to rule you out. Do you have more ideas of what makes a great business school application essay? Please share your questions/comments below. Need guidance in your MBA/EMBA Application process? Maximize your applications with help from The Essay Experts MBA Admissions Consulting Services. Or feel free to email me directly at Larry Sochrin Category:MBA Admissions ProcessBy Brenda BernsteinJanuary 20, 2012

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Domestic terrorism and international terrorism Essay

Domestic terrorism and international terrorism - Essay Example These are their major source of finance to their activities. Internet has enhanced the occurrence of domestic terrorism, the internet has become a source of information enhancing the occurrence of identity theft which is used by terrorist group to engage in their criminal activities, information collected include individuals information, bank credit information and credit card information. The internet has also been used to lure innocent citizens into frauds where individuals are asked to pay for certain services or goods and as a result they are fraud off their money. The intervention which includes monitoring activities in the web by the authorities will be an effective way to counter terrorism. However this may result into leaking of organisations information that may lead to losses by these organisations. When there exists a monitoring device in the internet then there will be leaking of company information to its competitors or even to speculators which may lead to loss of funds. Therefore the best way to strike a balance is to monitor only suspicious information on the web mostly from regions that are suspected to have terrorist groups, there exist such monitoring systems but they were banned by the US government but the best would be to install a system that tracks conversations that include key words used by the terrorist groups. Organisational information therefore should not be monitored to avoid financial losses as a result of information leak. Therefore the federal should be empowered to monitor information regarding suspicious groups and not for the organisations. Funding of domestic terrorism Terrorist groups will involve themselves in criminal activities to fund their operations, they have an advantage in involving in criminal activity in that they gain finances and at the same time they endanger the societies that they target through these activities. The other reason is that the criminal activities the terrorist involve in are hard for the judicial system to solve and prove. Some of the criminal activities that terrorist will engage in include: Drug trafficking: Drug trafficking is an activity that the terrorist involve in order to finance their activities, initially the terrorist groups were funded by the soviet union but after its collapse drug trafficking become a major source of finance. Identity theft: Identity theft is one of the most recent means in which terrorist use to finance their activities, this has emerged with the emergence of the internet and computer software which have made it easier to retrieve peoples information, and this has enabled the terrorist to steal people's identity which have resulted to financial scams which provide finances to the terrorist groups. Cigarette smuggling This is also a means by which terrorist groups will use in gaining finances, cigarettes are smuggled from low tax regions to regions whereby individuals will buy large quantities of cigarettes

Friday, October 18, 2019

Breakfest at tiffanys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Breakfest at tiffanys - Essay Example Yet, Joe tries to hide it and mostly is determined to show less of the emotions he feels for another. The narrator even described him as a man who is not easy to get along with; but interestingly, he showed that he cared for Holly like he had not cared for any other although he did not deliberately do so. For a man who is often exposed to the unkind and indifferent parts of the community, it is understood how hard it must be for Joe to demonstrate how he truly feels for anybody. Mag Wildwood. The character Mag, on the other hand, is an example of a complicated woman. She drifts from displaying a certain trait to another so easily. From being a friend to whom Holly agreed to be a roommate to judging Holly of going to bed with her then-fiancà ©, Mag is an unreliable woman as she refused to help her â€Å"friend† Holly from being arrested after she was held â€Å"involved† of a crime a certain Sally Tomato was engaged to. Rusty Trawler. The man Holly was always with in the story except from the narrator, Rusty Trawler, is an example of a fearful man who has allowed the pressures of society get hold of him and the way he lives his life. He almost had everything: money and power. However, he had not been true to himself and his being gay. He used women, Holly included; and pretended that he was a true man. After all the time Holly spent with him, Rusty married for the fourth time and did it with Mag; leaving Holly alone. From being untrue to himself, he also turned out to be selfish. Jose Yberra-Jaeger. The presence of Jose in the life of Holly presents to the readers an instance when a person meets someone he or she would find the things that he or she was â€Å"looking for† but ends up disappointed. Although Jose seemed to be a person who really cared for Holly, bringing along a doctor when she became devastated of her brother’s death and allowing her to pretend like his

The Industrialization of American West and its Impact to the East Term Paper

The Industrialization of American West and its Impact to the East - Term Paper Example Yet skeptics were proven wrong as this ‘wilderness’ gradually expanded and metamorphosed into a booming industrial sphere and provided a promise that would last a lifetime. True enough, wherever opportunity springs, people swarm. This catapulted the growth of population in the US West and prompted the creation of more industries in the area, affecting not only the other side of the country but also some parts of the world. Evidence The construction of the transportation systems that link the nation’s East to West saw the dawn of great migrations within neighboring states. The Cumberland Road (1811) and the Erie Canal (1825) paved the way for people to explore far-flung areas in the West. This made people, especially those from the East who saw the level of opportunity in the area insufficient, realize that the vast land only waited for their attention and promised them an unspeakable prize. The California Gold Rush of 1849 â€Å"attracted people from all over the world to venture on the mining industry† (â€Å"The California Gold†). As time went by, however, gold deposits in California depleted, so expedient merchants immediately looked for other resources. Some of them ventured into another business while others still believed in the promise of mining. The gold mines in Colorado (1858), South Carolina (1860) and Dakota (1874) rewarded the faith of numerous miners. Several of them explored other natural resources of the West such as coal, copper, ore, and iron. Then the quest for precious minerals began and struck the entire nation with awe and fervor. Decades ago before these, the invention of the cotton gin also revolutionized the industry of farming in the United States during that time. Production of the crop increased and offered a competitive advantage for farmers. The area became a large-scale and respected supplier to the world. Not only that this yielded satisfactory income to workers and immense profits for businesspe rsons, but also contributed much in the revival of a feeble domestic economy. Accordingly, machines and tools were already invented to support industrial productions, especially in textiles and light metals that contributed to the export capability and competitiveness of the country. Generally, the agriculture, mining and construction industries actively facilitated the boost into the economy of the US since this era. The Americans of the East, the West, the natives, and even the immigrants saw these as an amazing turn-of-events. This period of American history, according to the academic Frederick Jackson Turner speaks about the â€Å"virtue of discovery, the courageous determination to trail new paths and an objection to the dogma that because an institution or condition exists, so it must remain† (Turner 35).  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thomas Merton biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thomas Merton biography - Essay Example On December 10th, 1941, he joined the Abbey of Gethsemani. He was active in the life of the abbey as a writer for many years, but from 1965 to 1968, he lived as a hermit in its precincts. His writings would take up controversial issues and developing concerns. Many people thought his political attitudes were unbecoming of a monk. Before his death, he became deeply familiar with Eastern philosophy such as Zen Buddhism. He actively promoted East-West dialogue during the 1960s, and during a trip to a conference on East-West dialogue, Merton died. In Bangkok on December 10, 1968, he was accidentally electrocuted. His legacy is still felt today. He was one of the few Christians who commended the Eastern philosophies. Many people see Thomas Merton as a spiritual leader, a great writer, and a man who exemplified the quest for God in human solidarity. In 1969 donations from his aunts, Agnes and Beatrice Merton began a special collection of his work kept by Christchurch City Libraries. Some of his work is still being published

Discussion Forum #7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Discussion Forum #7 - Essay Example miologists should entail gathering information on the people in the workplace such as their occupations and stations, and recognizing the demographic group that is mostly exposed; typically, this can lead to primary prevention as more information is gathered (NIOSH 2001). Nonetheless, secluding and recognizing the primary cases may not necessarily be a basis of preventing the disease. Chemical hazards have become very common, especially in working environments and they are big barrier to comprehensive hazard surveillance (NIOSH 2014). For instance, employees working at ports and other factory depots are familiar with chemical exposures from the shipping containers that produce residual gases especially prior to opening for unpacking. These situations call for evaluation of the exposures in order to identify the different breaks that epidemiologists can intervene and follow up for a solution that reduces or eliminates the exposures. The best method for countering chemical hazards should entail the specialist gathering information on acceptable limits of exposure, properties of the different chemicals and other related health factors that could be collaborating with a certain chemical (Barry 2011). Secondly, the epidemiologists need to device ways to use for medical surveillance, ensure personal and respiratory protection for the workers; additionally, it is significant that the sanitation practices are also included as part of the precautions. There are challenges experienced when dealing with chemical exposures as a hazard for disease surveillance; such as establishing places where there is critical exposure, and how to counter certain chemicals, most of which are not common. Nonetheless, it is advisable that the epidemiologists apply criteria from the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Regulations that entail how to deal with a vast range of chemicals such as asbestos, acetic acid, bromine among others that are not common (SWA 2014). People argue that there

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Thomas Merton biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thomas Merton biography - Essay Example On December 10th, 1941, he joined the Abbey of Gethsemani. He was active in the life of the abbey as a writer for many years, but from 1965 to 1968, he lived as a hermit in its precincts. His writings would take up controversial issues and developing concerns. Many people thought his political attitudes were unbecoming of a monk. Before his death, he became deeply familiar with Eastern philosophy such as Zen Buddhism. He actively promoted East-West dialogue during the 1960s, and during a trip to a conference on East-West dialogue, Merton died. In Bangkok on December 10, 1968, he was accidentally electrocuted. His legacy is still felt today. He was one of the few Christians who commended the Eastern philosophies. Many people see Thomas Merton as a spiritual leader, a great writer, and a man who exemplified the quest for God in human solidarity. In 1969 donations from his aunts, Agnes and Beatrice Merton began a special collection of his work kept by Christchurch City Libraries. Some of his work is still being published

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Ethical Treatment of Animals Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Ethical Treatment of Animals - Assignment Example arian to protect the rights of the animals while maintain maximum satisfaction of the interested parties, the guiding ethical principles should be universalistic, welfarelist, and aggregative. Being Universalist means that utilitarian ethics should protect the rights of all the animals regardless of whether they are domesticated or not. Utilitarian ethics should express welfare of the animals by looking at what is good for them. Lastly, being aggregative means the decisions made on how animals should be treated should add up to the weight, intensity and the number of interest of the animals affected by the possible actions of people. Rights-based ethics on the other hand, can refer to the basic rights of animals that should not be violated. As much as humans do harm to the animals, right-based ethics are there to ensure that they also benefit as well. I think right-based ethics put limits to the extent animals can be harmed, for example, in experiments, animals is morally wrong to su bject the subject under unnecessary pain jus t because the researcher is interested with some desired resulted that must be understood after the animals has endured pain. Basing on right-based ethics, rules apply differently according to the purpose of keeping the animals. For example, animals kept as pets have more protective ethical rights compared to the animals kept for experimentations. There have been major conflicts between utilitarian and right-based ethics. Arnold Schwarchezenegger who was the governor of California signed an ethic right document to stop ducks from being fed on foei grass. The grass enlarged their livers; causing them to have pain on their necks for the purpose of gourmet human delicacy (Cohen and Regan 380). As a result, controversies have emerged over utilitarian and right-based ethics of animals. The controversies have been based on three issues: Whether animals have direct moral standings and if so, what should be morally right for animals that are kept

Monday, October 14, 2019

Budgetary Process Essay Example for Free

Budgetary Process Essay â€Å"Identify and describe the key features that a budgetary process should achieve to achieve managerial goal congruent behaviour. However if budgets are over emphasised myopic behaviour may be observed where a manager (or groups of managers) takes action(s) that improve budgetary performance in the short term but may cause long term harm to the organisation† Discuss. A budget is a short term, often one year, business plan, usually expressed in financial terms (Atrill, Mclaney, 2011, p.314). There are three broad functions of budgeting, these are: quantification of plans, help in financial planning, and monitoring and controlling scarce resources through performance measurements. Throughout this essay I shall be discussing these three areas, breaking them down into seven more specific features of budgeting. Furthermore I shall discuss how myopic behaviour can cause long term harm to an organisation. Goal congruence means developing and maintaining the various activities within the enterprise in proper relationship to each other (Welsch, Hilton, gordan, 1988 p.50). From a managerial point of view this is better explained by making sure they are aware of the different goals set by multiply departments within the organisation; as well as making sure their own goals are in line with the organisations overall plans. There are seven key features that a budgetary process should achieve in order to achieve managerial goal congruent behaviour. The first key feature is authorization, this makes managers accountable for their actions/spending and helps prevent fraud in an organisation (Atrill, McLaney, 2011). For an organisation it is important to make the right choice between a centralised control of the budget, where the organisations overall aspirations are at the heart of any decision making, or to delegate the responsibility to subordinates who will have a better understanding of their local environment. Usually a mixture of centralised and delegated control is chosen, giving some responsibility to subordinates to maintain motivated (Berry, Broadbent, Otley, 2005 p.108). Goal congruence is best achieved by using authorization in the budgetary process to keep Managers / Subordinates clear on what is expected of them from a financial point of view. The next four functions come into effect when planning a budget. Forecasting is critical in preparing an organisation for what is to come in the future, â€Å"looking ahead must be better than moving forward with eyes closed† (Garrett, 2010). It involves calculating many variables in order to predict future economic conditions as well as how governments and competitors will behave. On top of this, the company needs to forecast how the relationship between price and demand will change. Planning links in closely with forecasting as both use secondary data to help organisations determine what to do next. Drury (2004) states that managers are encouraged to plan whilst preparing the budget so that they can consider what changes may occur and how they can respond. An organisation needs to plan out how they are going to treat upcoming circumstances, for example seasonal changes, trends in the market and the likely hood of the company incurring growth or decline. A combination of forecasting and planning enables managers to remain goal congruent as they are aware of what is expected from them and what is expected to happen to the market or organisation in the future. This allows them to have a better understanding of how they are going to achieve their goals and helps keep them focused and in line with the organisation. Berry, Broadbent, Otley, (2005) states the budgetary process provides, in different ways, a focus for forecasting and planning, whilst serving as a channel for communication and coordination. Communication is a critical part of the budgetary process as it is vitally important that each area of the organisation is given a budget that is relevant to the overall goals of the organisation as well as to their specific needs. It is extremely difficult to keep every area of the business content with the budgetary targets and goals set. Individual areas in a business will be competing with each other when relating to funding, resources etc. Goal congruence is achieved through communication by making sure communication is efficient between the different hierarchical levels and between each department. Most organisations form a budgetary committee which includes the senior management that are responsible for designing the strategy; they also receive the initial budgets from each functional man ager (Weetman, 2010, p.319). This will enable swift and clear transparent communication when negotiating the budget, resulting in the best possible budget for each area of the business, whilst achieving the organisations overall aspirations. The final feature of a budget that comes into effect during the planning stage is control / coordination. I have touched upon coordination in the budget process whilst talking about communication as there cannot be effective control/coordination without effective communication and vice versa. Control is critical in planning budgets, as it is important to make sure each area of the business is accountable for its actions, as well as being able to link the budget/targets for each area together to compensate for possible weaknesses in the organisation. Such weaknesses arise when one area of the organisation is relying on another area that cannot commit to what is needed (Weetman, 2010, p.325). Having coordinated budgets allows superiors in the organisation to realise where there are weaknesses early on and counteract the negative effect. An example of this would be out sourcing if the work load for one area of the business is more than it can handle. Budgetary control is often implement ed through cost centres or profit centres. Profit centres allow centralised responsible for revenue, expenses and profit. Whereas a cost centre enables responsibility for mainly costs (expenses) (Welsch, Hilton and gordan, 1988 p.597). These again support goal congruence as the business as a whole is able to see how each specific sections of the organisation is financially performing and whether or not they are helping to achieve the company’s aspirations. Motivation and evaluation are features of budgets that come into effect once the budgets are active. Motivation in budgeting can make or break how goal congruent managers are as motivation in budgeting is an extremely tricky procedure. It has been proven that budgetary targets can indeed improve staff motivation. However too soft a target will make it too easy for staff to achieve and therefore staff performance may fall, whereas setting targets that are deemed unachievable are also likely to decrease performance. Geert (1968) reached the conclusion that provided the budget does not exceed the highest target acceptable to an individual; the results will increase in line with increasing difficulty. A budget allows organisation to set targets and goals that are then compared with actual performance and evaluated. When using budgets (that have been used for motivational purposes) for evaluation, managers need to be careful not to look on small deviations to harshly. A motivational budget is harder to achieve as it is there to improve performance and efficiency in the organisation (Drury, 2004, p.595). Managers should remember that the budget is financially based and evaluating areas such as innovation, corporate social responsibility, staff moral and customer satisfaction are also important to the organisation when evaluating good performance. â€Å"In the context of dynamic demand analysis, habit formation is defined to be â€Å"myopic† when in each period the individual takes into account his consumption history but does not recognise the impact of his present consumption decisions on his future tastes,† (Pashardes 1986).Myopic behaviour is where individuals, organisations or managers focus solely on the short term. In an accounting context this can be extremely detrimental to an organisation’s long term goals, as managers are more focused on achieving their short term budgetary plans than looking at the company’s overall targets. A myopic mind can bring many problems to an organisation’s none financial goals. If managers are too focused on ach ieving there budgetary targets it can stifle the creativity and risk taking culture of the organisation (CIMA, ICAEW, 2004). This intern can have dramatic long term effects on an organisation’s creativity and entrepreneurial ability, as it is critical for them to move forward and develop as an organisation. A prime example of this can be seen with the demise of Woolworths, â€Å"history might have been different had woolworths not clung to its time-served ‘pic and mix’ business model† (Boje, Burnes and Hassard, 2012, p.332). In the retail industry it should be critical for managers to remain focused on keeping their store modern. It is proven that modernised stores can set higher prices, leading to larger profits, due to a higher net value added (Hemashree, 2008). Clearly Woolworth lack of enthusiasm towards modernising their stores and being too focused on cutting costs lead to a negative operating environment, hindering their chance of survival. A myopic approach to budgetary goals leads to a concentration on cost reduction and not value creation for managers. For any retailer like Woolworths, managers know that staff take up a huge amount of the companies costs. In the short term it becomes increasingly tempting for managers to enforce staff redundancies to help achieve those targets set by superiors (Berry, Broadbent, Otley, 2005). The actions of cost cutting by retail managers including Woolworths, for example reducing staff during seasonal change (e.g. after Christmas), would cause long term costs to the organisation. Instead of paying high costs due to seasonal staff redundancies and staff training, organisations could reduce staff hours during low points in trading then increase staff hours in line with increasing sales. As well as hindering the organisations ability to think of new ideas, the budgetary process can also have an effect on future development that is already in the pipeline. New projects are often put on hold by organisations which become more worried about meeting financial targets, than trying to expand the company and launch into new markets or create new products. IBM’s budgetary process became so long during the 1970’s that it took 18 months to complete their ‘annual’ planning cycle (Hope, Fraser, 2003, p.7). IBM’s management were affected by another budg etary related issue; becoming excessively inward focused to the point where they were unaware of competitor’s behaviour. Due to their high planning cost this lead them to be unable to, and lacking the agility and ability, to counteract (CIMA, ICAEW, 2004). Whilst competitors like Apple were becoming innovated and pushing through their new ideas involving personal computers, IBM were too busy focused on how they, as market leaders, were going to launch the next big thing. IBM misread the personal computer revolution and was unable to react to lower cost advanced computers created by competitors (Hope, Fraser, 2003). â€Å"Keeping an eye on the potential risks and changes in the operating environment is essential – as one delegate noted, budgeting may provide you with a map but if you drive with your eyes closed, you will crash anyway,† (CIMA, ICAEW, 2004). There are many methods or remedies that IBM and Woolworths could off used to prevent the budgetary problems associated with myopic behaviour. Beyond-budgeting is a modernised version of the traditional budgeting process that allows botto m up empowerment. This seems to be the best way for organisations to adjust to the fast changing world of the information age (Hope and Fraser, 2003). IBM were affected by being inward focused and unaware of competitors actions. If IBM had been aware of the new beyond-budgeting process they would have been setting their goals in relation to beating their competitors and not the budget (principle 7) (de Waal, 2005). This would of kept them market focused and enabled them to react faster to their competitors actions instead of misreading the market. Driver based planning and budgeting would of, again benefited IBM by helping to shorten their ‘annual’ budgetary process. Incorporating operational drivers would have meant IBM could reforecast on request and would have been agile enough to adapt to uncertain trading conditions (Barrett, 2005). This process as well as enforcing beyond-budgeting principles could off shortened the planning process involving three thousand people that IBM had in place. Woolworth main problem, like many organisations suffering from managerial myopic behaviour, was a lack of innovation. They became too focused with cost cutting practices, trying to achieving budgetary goals. â€Å"Everybody has a sandpit to play in. my sandpit financially is my control plan, If I stay within it, I’m free to play† (Marginson, Ogden, 2005). Keeping innovated and flexible is critical to achieve the organisations long term goals as well as meet short term budgetary targets. In conclusion, traditional budgets are seen as being incapable of meeting the demands of the competitive environment and are criticized for impeding efficient resource allocation and encouraging dysfunctional behaviour such as myopic decisions (deWaal, Hermskens-Janssen, Van de Ven, 2011). I have demonstated how individual beyond budgeting principles can add to traditional budgeting to support organisations, using examples of IBM and Woolworths to demonstrate. De Waal (2005) states that research shows the more beyond-budgeting principles an organisation implements, the better it performs. A combination of budgeting and beyond-budgeting principles allows managers to balance the inherent rigidity of their budgets with the more organic processes of innovation. (Marginson, Ogden, 2005). Using the key principles of beyond budgeting enables managers to focus on achieving long term goals, in line with the organisation’s overall objectives, as well as helping to speed up and modernise the traditional budgetary process. It is however important to remember that the features of a traditional budget are extremely important to most organisations. â€Å"Budgeting provides an overall framework of control without which it would be impossible to manage,† (CIMA, ICAEW, 2004). References Atrill, P., Mclaney, E., 2011. Accouting and Finance for non specialists. 7th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Barrett, R., 2005. Budgeting and Reforcasting, Financial Management. Berry, A. J., Broadbent, J., Otley, D., 2005. Management Control. 2nd ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Boje, D., Burnes, B., Hassard, J., 2012. The Routledge Companion to Organisational Change. Oxon: Routledge. CIMA., ICAEW., 2004. Better Budgeting. London: Silverdart Ltd. de Waal, A., 2005. Insights from Practice is your Organisation ready for Beyond-Budgeting?, Measuring Business Excellence. Q Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 9 (2) (November) pp. 56-67. de Waal, A., Hermkens-Janssen. M., Van de Ven, A., 2011. The Evolution Adoption Framework. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Drury, C., 2004. Management and Cost Accounting. 6th ed. London: Thomas Learning. Garrett, K., 2010. Budgeting. ACCA. Geert, H., Hofstede., 1968. The Game of Budget Control. London: Tavistock Publication. Hemashree, A., 2008. A Study on Working of Modern and Traditional Retail Outlets. Dharwad: University of agricultural sciences. Hope, J., Fraser, R., 2003. Beyond Budgeting. United States: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. Marginson, D., Ogden, S., 2005. Budgeting and Innovation, Financial Management. Pashardes, P., 1986. Myopic and Forward Looking Behaviour in a Dynamic Demand System, International Economic Review. Wiley, 27 (2) (June), pp.387-397. Weetman, P., 2010. Management Accounting .2nd ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Welsch, G. A., Hilton, R. W., Gordan, P. N., 1988. Budgeting Profit, Planning and Control. 5th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Individual Opinion on Homosexuality and Religion

Individual Opinion on Homosexuality and Religion Some people in the society believe homosexuality to be an illness and that it could be rectified. But most of of the processes of round the revolve psychological therapies which expects to change homosexual sexuality to heterosexual), the worlds largest association of psychologists American Psychological Association (APA), stated that; But the strongly religion believes that homosexuality is a sinful act which is against the bible and is and has a direct breach of the bible and other religious books. Moreover, some two founders of a ministry put to finish homosexuals later described their programme as ineffective since not even one person was changed. The issue of eradicating homosexuality has became a political debate in America, with Christian political organisations supporting the slogan of changing homosexuality through force of will alone. They argue that many people are leaving their homosexual lifestyles due to sexual celibacy and marriage issues. Optionally, homosexual rights organisations argue that the views about gays and lesbians views misunderstand the meaning of a gay,and this sprouts to discrimination against the gay and lesbian people. additionally, the American Psychological Association(APA) has carried out a systematic research, which have resulted to that the psychological strategies are neither effective nor do they at any time change the sexual orientation, however instead they can cause a considerable harm. The views of the society on homosexuality The research shows that the views concerning homosexuality are specifically very the society it depends on the culture and religios is viewed that diffent people view the issue differently according to the cultural values of their society.gays and lesbians have civil rights which support their acts.however the religion does not agree wioth the acts since it views it as a sin and against the laws of the bible and any other holy book.but in the recent past individuals have tried to negotiate religion inorder for them to be accomondated in the society. Due to the fact that homosexuality is genetically inherited then some persons thing its bad to call the action sinful.because this is untrue conclusion, and for important reasons. Firstly, being wrongly prounounced, it stems up the the debate off course. The founders and staters of the Church deal with certain acts and doings but though not with such wrong terms as homosexuality. The question that rises in this is if homosexual traits are genetic, then how logical is to accuse such person of engaging in a sinful actions of homosexuality?.The issue that arises here are that homosexuality should be given a better wording despite the fact that the action is considered wrong. Despite the fact that largen sexual performance may be due to the genetic composition of our bodies this do not gurantee that such persons with such large sexual needs committing fornication is not sinfil but the fact remains that such actions are sinful before the holy book of God and its something to be shunnerd in the society and such acts are just like any other sin commitrted by a Christian. Sometimes the peoples genetic composition might make/lead them to violent disposition and this is sinning meaning that inclining is sinning just like when such a person commits murder or treats people with violence in the society Generally, homosexual is considered as a deviance and behavior that do not comply with the social norms and values of the society, hence therefore is socially created. Since many persons in the United States society believes that homosexuality is wrongful, society has made and highlighted homosexuality to be a a moral wrong. Since moral wrong is relative and not absolute to a society. Homosexuality is not a universal form of sexual immorality. There are most cultures that allow and support this forms of homosexuality. The Western society defy it though, and mostly this has lead to the non-accepting view resulting to discrimination towards homosexuals. But despite all this they should understand that homosexuality is a way of survival for some persons even if minority in the society and they should be accepted and accomondated the way they are and not isolating the in the society. The Church also encourages those who endure from the feel and passion of homosexuality. Additionally, the Church can usually and surely do a admierable work with this minority group that exists within her flock, moreover it can also reach out and accomondate them since such people, have much compassion especially when dealing with peoples who suffer from different sexual passions. Mo More so the Church is still should considers such sexual behaviors as passions even in the presence of modern scientific research that shows how homosexuality in particular have a genetic origin also. (Camperio-Ciani ). Problems of homosexuality the moral, religious and legal attitudes in trials to curb sexual behavior have interfeared with a clear view of the medical and psychological aspects of homosexuality. This phenomenon is probably much less destructive of social aspects of our society and culture than is generally believed, since it is actually more widespread than is generally acknowledged.( Norman Reider, pp 381-384) Homosexuality usually has hormonal,social and psychological factors,where the latter of which are the only ones which can be worked with successfully in our present state . A general practitioners task is to aid those who wish and need help with this problem in finding psychiatric treatment in the same way that persons with any other emotional disturbance are referred. This should be carried out without bias just as with any other emotional disturbance.( Norman Reider pp 381-384). Increase in the divorce cases due to increased engagement in the among gays and lesbian marriage hence reduced number of heterosexual marriages.also there is a significant number of unmarried men and women in the society. Also Homosexuals are unproductive in character this poses a threat to the societys survival -in the homosexual marriages the acts involved do not lead to production and this stems oup the issue of the society since this will lead to no tomorrows generation in the society hence therefore thi act is considered immoral in the society and harmful. The recent studies and researches show that the homosexuals have a greater chance of getting psychiatric problems than the heterosexual.such problems are accompanied by some instances such as high rates of suicide,depressin and antisocial personality disorders also use of drugs or substance abuse.( By N.E. Whitehead, Ph.D. Author of My Genes Me Do It) Homosexuals pose a threat to children-the presence of few homosexuals who do not exercise their normalities. These persons sin against the creator and there is no doubt that they are leading to total destruction of the both the family and our nation. I Pat opposed homosexuals and will do he said that he could do everything he could to restrict the freedom of these people to spread their contagious infection to the youth of our nation.( Pat Robertson, May 24, 1994 letter). Homosexuality is a sad and disillusioning lifestyle-this lifestyle is full of stressfull moments hence things are always stressfull;homosexuality poses and brings about the increased incidences of suicide among gay teenagers,the issues of isolation ,discrimination and the cases of violences increase in the society Homosexuality causes AIDS and other sexually transimited diseases which are and deadly-hence it does not argue whether homosexuality immensely affects the society or not because homosexuals since AIDS more than heterosexuals; this is due to the fact that the same sex are mo prone to such diseases. infact, it is successful to examine the kind of character s that are favourable to HIV infection, and such traits are shown and noticeable by and on the gays Homosexuals needs unique political rights and systems.-Different homosexuals want various things in the real life of politics but there should be equality under the law implying that no special or unique or specific treatments or a favours should be performed to a certain unique group of persons alone but just incase such happens then the same should be granted to the othern persons in the same society.The most important areas specifically concerning homosexuality is, marriage laws and government discrimination. Homosexuality undermines religion therefore leading to stability in the society-The argument stems up problems in some several areas in the society,such areas are such as: Firstly, many of people think its highly beneficial if religion is undermined and we furthermore think its not correct to compare the widespread of religion with stability (whatever that is; probably, the definition is tautological, such that stability is defined as following some religion). As is clear from several essays on morality on my atheism page, it is quite possible to have a well-functioning society with caring individuals without any religion at all. Homosexual behavior is also linked with higher rates of promiscuity, physical disease, mental illness, substance abuse, child sexual abuse and domestic violenceall things that impact society negatively. Dont try to say homosexual behavior doesnt hurt societyit is a major force that tears down society and harms children. Causes of homosexuality The causes of homosexuality in the modern society maybe due to:genetics inheritance where t where,he baby is born with the gene of homosexuality u in him/her especially from the X-gene from the mother mostly.hormonal imbalance During the boy is born with features that are some common with the homosexuals than in the population. such traits might be inherited (genetic), while others might have been caused by the change in the hormones Jeffrey suggests that someone without these traits will be somewhat less likely to become homosexual later than someone with the( Jeffrey Satinover,M.D. ) Environmental factors. This comes on various developmental growth needs children kids have, needs for friendship with the parent of the same sex and age-mates of the same sex.Its through this that we understand that the children are not simply born with a sense of their own gender built is formed through the connections and friendships they form with the others, mostly the age bracket of the same sex age-mates.the children always look upon the parent of the same sex first and then to same peers to form their own sexul groupings inorder to understand how they suit in,and the value they own whether male or female.If this connection lacks then children dont form a healthy same sex bond and such needs for same sex go unsatisfied then they intensify and take another form. (Satinover, 1996). The developmental factors combined with genetic temperament, impacts perceptions, which all go to the development of homosexuality. Sexual abuse (molestation) or traumatic experiences. They contribute to the development of same-sex affection(attractions). personal choice,prenatal hormone defect,lack of bondage between the child and the parent of the same sex. Reincarnation Is homosexual judged harshly? Yes, homosexuals are treated with hostility in the societyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the reasons to show this discrimination are given below:- It is said that gays are not natural. And real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. The society things that gay marriage encourage people to be gays since the behaviuor of people affect others, It is ctritisiced that encouraging gays to marry will lead open all kinds of crazy behaviors. And even people may even decide to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasnt changed at all like many of the principles on which this great country was founded; women are still property, blacks still cant marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of marriages like Britney Spears 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldnt be allowed to marry because our orphanages arent full yet, and the world needs more children. Its also assumed that obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children. Religion do not support marriage of gays . since in many countries the cultures and religions do not sccept such even in the country. Its also criticized that children cannot succeed without the role models of the both sexes. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. Thats why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we havent adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans The church which is expected to act as the guide to the society about the issue of homosexuality provides the guidelines for such other than the society being so harsh to the people with such minor traits.The church gives the guide lines on the issue- The church says that homosexuality is supposed to be seen as the result of humanitys rebellion against God, against his own nature and well-being and and its not supposed to be seen as a way of surviving and acting for men and women who are created in the likeness and the image of Gods. It also says that the people with homosexual tendencies are supposed to seek assistance in discovering the specific causes of their homosexual orientation, and to work toward overcoming its harmful effects in their lives. The church also provides that homesexual persons who accept the Orthodox faith and everyone else who believes and struggles,instructed and counseled in the Orthodox Christian doctrine and ascetical life hence therefore the persons still in need to justify their behavioral traits in the society may not be included and accomondated in the Churchs sacramental processes,this is due to the fact that the sct of doing so would not assist them but rather harm them. It also suggests that the psychiatrists who are involved and deal with persons with homosexual orientation should be given assistance inorder to help such peoples in their thoughts,actions and feelings with theb regard on the issue of homosexuality. Such assistance will be ideal especially if given to the necessary parents, relatives and friends of the affected individuals in the society.additionally, It is certainly necessary for pastors and church workers also to be given such assistance to be too involved in the rehabilitation of the same. These affirmations on marriage, family, sexuality, and the sanctity of life are issued by the Holy Synod of Bishops on the occasion of the Tenth All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America (Miami, Florida, July, 1992) Conclusion Its evident that in all societal moral disorders,therefore it follows that homosexuality too leads to the prevention of ones self fulfillment of goals and objectives and the joy experienced by acting and complying with the creativity and the enduring wisdom of the god the almighty and the moral values in the society. The Church, and the society in complete objection of the different erroneous opinions on the issue concerning homosexuality, do not by any means reduce neither does it limit but rather defends and selfishly oppresses the personal freedom and dignity realistically and authentically understood. Moreover the church is looked upto to regulate the societal moral values and the peoples behavior but at the same time it should leave a room for the minorities with contrary opinions in the society.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Story Of An Hour :: essays research papers

The Story of an Hour depicts a single hour in Mrs. Mallard life, in which the lady who has a weak heart experiences the momentary joy of freedom after hearing that her husband has been killed in a railroad accident. Mrs. Mallard initial reaction, upon hearing of her husband death, is not far from what readers expect: she is deeply grieved, weeps and wants to be left alone. However, during the hour she spends alone in her room, her state of mind changes dramatically. Sitting in the armchair motionlessly, she sees spring trees from the open window, smells pure air after the gentle rain, hears a faint but pleasant song, even the patched clouds outside seem to be dispersing decently in the warm and powerful sunshine eventually. All these features imply that an unconscious wish in her heart is quietly but quickly expanding. At first, she feels something is approaching her, something almost tangible, which she is not sure about: t was too subtle and elusive to name. 71) However, from that moment on, her weeping ith sudden, wild abandonment disappears, he storm of grief goes away, she is turning to the situation where she has longed for. ree, free, free! 71) The first voice of protest breaks out after those tedious, miserable years. Now she realizes the feeling approaching her and possessing her occupies her entire soul and body: his possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being. Free! Body and soul free! 72) These unbelievably radical words show her enormous hunger for freedom, her strong wish to be herself again. Her husband sudden death has made her lifetime emotional torment come to an end, and she can be as free as a man now. On the other hand, Mrs. Mallard may cry again for the loss of her oving husband not only because of her gender role in the society, but for he still loves her and she herself had loved him as well. Moreover, the story does not tell us whether Mr. Mallard is an abusive or irresponsible husband, but this couple certainly strives for maintaining their unsatisfactory marriage. Besides, no love or security can compensate for a lack of control over her own existence (Skaggs, 53), let alone the fact that there is hardly any love in that fragile relationship.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Administrator Interview Essay

For class I was to find and administrator in charge of hiring CTE teachers and find the answers to ten interview questions. I am fortunate enough to be teaching at a CTE school and was able to interview my principal. I interviewed Principal Tom Ryan, who’s the main campus principal The interview was held face to face in his office on September 28, 2012. This interview was very helpful in learning an administrator’s views and thoughts of important issues associated with CTE teachers and CTE programs. Mr. Ryan was very detailed and honest during the interview. I started the interview by asking Mr. Ryan what strengths and weakness he has seen in new CTE instructors. He thought for a moment before giving a very thought out response. See more: Ethnic groups and racism essay The strengths ; knowledge of subject content, familiarity with current pedagogy, compliant because not tenured, enthusiastic, recent employment in industry related field-familiar with real world operations, Weaknesses: uncertified –salary reduction, classroom management skills, not used to working in government bureaucracy, unrealistic expectations pertain to student enthusiasm and behavior, unfamiliar with operating procedures, typically experienced in field but not educated in effective teaching techniques and strategies. (T.  Ryan, personal communication, September 27, 2012). After reflecting upon his answer there was one point that stands out the most. I strongly agree with his thoughts that new teachers have a difficult time dealing with class management strategies. College prepares one academically for over three years but only offer a short time of practicum experience in the field. When teachers learn to effectively implement classroom management strategies and discipline they can engage students in learning activities for more than 90 percent of allocated time (Cangelosi, 1990, pp. 3-20). Mr. Ryan shared his thoughts of what skills he believed would best help newly hired teachers. Beyond subject knowledge a new teacher should be prepared to teach students life skill. Students must learn how to successfully interact with people in the work world 21st century skills. CTE teachers to become an asset for their schools must have enthusiasm, be a team player, willingness to go the extra mile, establish rapport with students and staff, and collaboration with colleagues. All of these qualities are needed in any job and are taught to our students under 1st Century Learning Skills. Next, I posed the question to Mr. Ryan if you had two applicants for a teaching position in your CTE department, what factors would you use to select any one of them and why? He responded that he would evaluate their ability to communicate, knowledge of subject matter, recent industry experience, ability to demonstrate skills, and ones perceived ability given in a 45 minute interview to fit into the educational environment –why? He simply stated, â€Å"Because these are the skills necessary to successfully teach† (T.  Ryan, personal communication, September 27, 2012). Before I could ask the next question Mr. Ryan spoke of how he perceived the purpose of CTE. We agreed that the purpose of CTE was to prepare students with entry level skills, and to expose them to current industry practices as well as to give them the soft skills 21st Century skills they will need to be successful in the work world or continuing education. One enrolls in a technical education center in order to gain employment upon graduation or move on to post-secondary education. Following the above conversation we switched gears and talked about reasons an educator would be relieved of their position. We discussed that there could be many factors that cause one to lose their job such as poor performance, layoffs due to economy, or program closures. A major factor in letting go of an employee relies on if the educator is tenured or not. Mr. Ryan stated there are three main reasons that would cause the dismissal of a certified teacher. The two he focused on was immoral or unethical behavior, and incompetence. I feel that these are fireable offensive for any job. A teacher must lead by example one should not ask others to do what they cannot Once a new instructor is hired they are assigned a mentor. A mentor’s job is to monitor the new instructors’ progress and provide feedback. This gives the instructor a forum to express the difficulties they encounter in adapting to the new work environment so that it becomes utopia. I shared that when I was first hired I found a mentor to be very helpful. When you first start teaching one has many questions that often the administrator does not have time for and/or the teacher feels uncomfortable asking. There have been many studies done that all show a well-developed mentoring program for new teachers can contribute to the quality of their practice. Moreover, many researchers state that these programs show the education system’s commitment to producing well prepared and successful teachers. Mr. Ryan spoke of the different ways that CTE programs could improve. Financing program was at the top of his list. This would allow programs obtain industry level equipment, provide proper staffing, and allow students the opportunity to participate in more internship opportunities by offering transportation. Transportation currently is the one factor preventing many students from obtaining internship positions. Financing would also provide academic support to help students gain the necessary job skills, life skills. Funding would allow for education of reading comprehension skills that will allow them to navigate new information and equip them with reasoning skills so they are able to apply critical thinking to new situations in an ever changing world. This just reiterates the fact of how important the Carl D.  Perkins Act was for CTE education. Lastly, we talked about reforms and what he would suggest for improving CTE programs and how teachers could prepare for such reforms. His biggest goal even though he thought was unlikely to occur was a shift the bureaucracy to allocating funds to actual instructional needs. Next, he felt it was important for our school to continue to strive for an instructional environment that would maximizes resources to allow all students to not be left behind.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Criminal Justice Administration in New Jersey Essay

Spending is an important aspect of criminal justice administration in any jurisdiction. In many instances, budgeting in public administration is a crossroads between policy issues and politics which makes prioritizing very essential. According to New Jersey Policy Perspective (2003), the spending in the state’s criminal justice system especially the correctional facilities has increased tremendously in the last few decades. This has been as a result of the rapid increase in the number of incarcerated offenders in the state correctional facilities where the number has tripled since early 1980s. Consequently, spending in the correctional facilities in the state of New Jersey has been the fastest growing compared to other departments in the states and was estimated that the figure in the 2005 fiscal year would surpass the amount spent by all states in 1975. Moreover, since late 1990s, the correctional facilities in New Jersey have been operating at over capacity and are rated the sixth most crowded facilities in the country. However, this increased spending due to increased incarceration has taken place as the rate of crime in the country is on a downward trend. The correctional facilities in New Jersey consists of fourteen state facilities, nine of which houses male offenders, one reserved for female offenders, three for juveniles while the one is designated as a reception and intake center. It is also the responsibility of the same department to manage offenders who have completed their sentence but are considered dangerous to the society (NJPP, 2003). As the number of offenders housed in New Jersey states correctional facilities from under capacity in the early 1980s to over 135 percent in 2003, the spending in the correctional department increased proportionally. The large number of convicts incarcerated translated into a need for more staff to manage the systems. For example, the number of employees in the correctional facilities and related jobs were about 13,685. This number of employees was only second to the Department of Human Services. However, the parole officers were needed due to the increased number of individuals under parole in the states surpassed the number of prison officers required in the correctional facilities. The number of offenders under parole rose from under ten thousand to over thirteen thousand between 1983 and 2003 (NJPP, 2003). As the number of individuals under incarceration and parole has increased over the years, the need for more budgetary allocation to the state correctional department has been inevitable. According to the New Jersey Policy Perspective report, the money allocated to the correctional programs in the states rose by about 555 percent in twenty years hitting 1. 1 billion dollars in 2003 up from 203 dollars in 1983. There are many factors including changes in the law that are considered responsible for the increased number of inmates in the states correctional facilities and consequently increased spending. Some of them include changes in the law and statutes within the state’s jurisdiction such as the criminal code and drug laws enforcement statutes (NJPP, 2003). In conclusion, the increased spending in the New Jersey correctional facilities is inevitable. Just as in other states and federal correctional institutions that have been overwhelmed by the increased number of incarcerated offenders or individuals under paroles in the last three decades, the New Jersey facilities have been equally affected by the trends. The increased need for more prison and parole staff, training and caring for offenders in the states facilities has skyrocketed spending in the New Jersey correctional department.

Hamlet: Women of the Shakespearean Era

Hamlet: Women of the Shakespearean Era Women in Shakespeare’s plays are, for the most part, looked at as weak characters. There were only two main female roles in his famous play Hamlet. The two female roles in the play are Queen Gertrude, Hamlet’s mother, and Ophelia, Hamlet’s love and daughter of Polonius. These women are always being told what to say and do. They never speak up for themselves, and that creates trouble for them in the end. In William Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark the women are manipulated by the men, which causes Gertrude and Ophelia to die tragically.The double standards for women in this play are extremely common and many men everywhere use them. For example, the double standard that men can sleep around and women cannot. Laertes tells Ophelia that she should not give up her innocence to Hamlet because he has not saved himself for her and their love is not real, yet Laertes is not pure himself. This is ki nd of a ‘do as I say, not as I do† type of situation. Most double standards demonstrate that, males can do whatever they please and females get in trouble for most things.To be more specific, Gertrude and Ophelia were both told to talk to Hamlet so Polonius and Claudius could listen in and find out certain things about Hamlet. Ophelia was even forced to reject Hamlet when she loved him. Also, the women in the play are not free to marry whoever they desire. For example, when Gertrude married Claudius it was not really her choice to do so. The first time they disobey the men in this story is when things start to go bad. Ophelia ends up going crazy and drowning, and Gertrude drinks from a poisoned cup of wine and dies.David Bevington had quite a few things to say on the female roles in this play. He refers to Ophelia and Gertrude as â€Å"instruments through which Claudius attempts to spy on Hamlet† (Bevington 301). This is true because they listen to Claudius and do whatever he asks of them. Also, he says that Hamlet makes it known that the women are weak. Hamlet says, â€Å"frailty, thy name is woman† (I. ii. 146). This play shows that women have a manipulative side to them. Many forms of trickery occurred to Hamlet when he had not done anything wrong to the women.Ophelia makes it seem like she does not love Hamlet and gives him back his love letters to her at one point in the play. This entire play is just pure madness from the beginning all the way till the last act and scene. The females get caught up in the middle of the drama, and that is why they have the bad reputation we have. Joseph Campbell described to us in an interview about why women are portrayed how they are. He says that women have been seen as weak since the beginning of time.Most of the time it is because women are smaller and more fragile than the men are. You never see women doing anything for themselves, and if you do it is on a rare occasion. That is why women ar e portrayed and treated how they are. Work Cited Bevington, David. â€Å"Introduction to Hamlet. † Hamlet. William Shakespeare. Evanston: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. , 1992. 301. Print. Campbell, Joseph. â€Å"The Hero’s Adventure. † The Power of Myth. Interview by Bill Moyers. Wellspring Media, Inc. , 2005. DVD. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Evanston: McDougal little, 1997. Print.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Personal Case Study Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Personal Case Study Paper - Essay Example The opportunity below presents itself for improved business model, but only if the cultural paradigms can be addressed effectively. In this case, the organization is private faith-based company. It has existed for over hundred years. Faith-Based Organization X specializes in faith-based academics. The organization was undergoing major paradigm shifts in the culture as well as divisional subcultures because of altering business models within each division. Under the new leadership of the vice-president, leading two divisions, there were concerns on matters including management and decision making. Employees were expected to accommodate changes with grace. This resulted to change in the company’s culture mode. The main reason for this was the uncomfortable expectations of the management, requiring employees to accommodate the change. Therefore, the drastic expectation of change was hard to be accommodated by the employees. I worked for the organization in a span of three years, where I performed two roles. I began by leading a division as a director. After some time, I was transferred into a training role. The report of this personal case study will be through the eyes of the director role I played while in the organization. A typical director role consists of developing and leading strategic initiatives, talent development and process improvements. There are also many decisions that are made at the director level. A director must be the team leader and he/she must be able to initiate and implement new ideas. The director must ensure the mission; vision and goals of the company must be met accordingly. (Sinclair, 1998) The chart above displays the current structure of the company during my tenure in the company as a director. This structure was the new organizational structure in the company during my period of work in the discussed organization. The above division shifted in