Friday, May 31, 2019

John Stienbeck - Of Mice And Men :: essays research papers fc

In my strain I will discuss the theme of loneliness in the novel Of Mice And Men. The essay will consist of info based on the novel towards minor characters such as Curleys Wife, Candy and Crooks. This essay will state information about Curleys Wife, Candy and Crooks loneliness.Curleys Wife was probably one of the loneliest characters of all. She never talked to anyone and she never really liked Curley all too much. why contributet I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely. (p.86) Curleys Wife seems to get a mount of the other guys in trouble. Curley always suspects that shes fooling around with the other men, whatsoever you guys seen my wife? (p.53) Curleys Wife always gives an excuse to confront the guys saying, Any you guys seen Curley? Then she tries to hang around and make conversation. The guys see her as a tramp and a troublemaker but all she wants is soul to talk too.Crooks who is another lonely man was very sad as well. Because he was black he w asnt allowed into the other guys bunkhouse with them because they thought he stunk. Why aint you wanted? Lennie asked. Cause Im black. They play cards in there, but I cant play because Im black. They think I stink. Well I tell you, you all stink to me. (p.68) Crooks is always by himself and working hard even with a disturbed back. Crooks sits in his room all the time by himself.Candy is the other character that is lonely. Not because of the the men not talking to him of anything like that. Because, when Carlson shot his obsolete dog, Candy felt alone. Candy had that pup since he was a kid.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Importance of Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet Essay example -- Shake

mendicant Laurence plays an important part in the narrative development of Romeo and Juliet. He is nave and detached from society so doesnt amply appreciate the bitterness of the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. The well intentioned advice that he gives to Romeo and Juliet is thus misguided and this develops a sense of foreboding. The advice that beggar Laurence gives sets the young lovers on a row which the audience senses will end in tragedy. With regard to his character, Friar Laurence is a contemplative and moral man yet he lacks real insight in human nature i.e. their passions and motivations. When we first meet Friar Laurence, he compares plants to human nature concluding thatVirtue itself turns vice being misappliedAnd vice sometime by action dignifiedFrom our first meeting with Friar Laurence the audience sees how naive he is to believe so simply in the goodness of man. It is partly this distinctive that causes his schemes to end tragically. Friar Laurence is a man of self control who believes that violent delights have violent ends. In other words, people should be measured and non let passion overrule their good judgement. This is almost a premonition of what happens later on in the play when Romeo and Juliets short but aroused love ends in death. Shakespeare portrays the Friar as a prudent and modest man of God. Friar Laurence is trustworthy we know this because both Juliet and Romeo trust him enough to discover their love for one another to him. They also seek his advice to find a way to be together. This trust is also based on Friar Laurences reputation as a highly respected member of Veronas society, the whole city is much bound to him. Romeo refers to Friar Laurence as hi... ...eveal their innermost feelings to the audience. Shakespeare uses Friar Laurence as a device to achieve this. Friar Laurence also acts as the messenger in the play. In Shakespearean times, Romeo and Juliet would have been performed in theatres like The Gl obe. thither would be a lot of noise and distraction for the audience and it was likely that they would miss out on important parts of the play. The actor playing Friar Laurence up dates the audience regularly. An example of this is when he gives the audience a synopsis of the story right at the end of the play Is not so retentive as is a tedious tale. . . This is helpful for the audience because it allows them to catch up with important parts that they might have missed.As the audience sees Friar Laurences plans fail one by one, a sense of foreboding develops which prepares the audience for the unfolding tragedy

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Complete Communities and Indulgent Diversities Essays -- Campus Life

Rebekah Nathans Community and Diversity focuses on the changing definition of the word community on college campuses and how that change affects the way students spend their free prison term and interact with other students. musical composition campus directors set up and promote campus life community with good intentions of providing every student with interesting activities and helping first-time students make the start out from home-life to college-life, big communities usually only aim apart from the little free time left in the day and make students feel more unaffectionate and alone. The demand on students to participate in every campus activity in order to form a healthy campus life community pushes students further away from organized groups and makes forming small, exclusive social networks even more desirable. At the beginning of her essay Community and Diversity, Nathan notes most students only feel a sense of togetherness in three areas age, pop culture, and a handful of (recent) historical events (Nathan 101)areas that do not exactly function as ties that bind. Even as campuses pour more resources and aptitude into trying to involve students and to create a functioning community, many students instead opt to reserve time for themselves and small groups of friends, forsaking the large, time-restrictive group for networks of individualism, spontaneity, freedom, and choice (Nathan 105). While these egocentric groups often overlap, they rarely have identical matches, as each student creates his or her own network on a basis of law of proximity and similar interests. Many of the groups are also either entirely comprised of a single ethnicity or include only one or two persons of contrastive races. Although the large, organized form of campus... ...s purpose and motivationto provide social structure, to educate, or to merely retain the majority of the freshman class? While a large-scale community can provide students with multiple acti vities with which to fill their days, it simply cannot offer each student much needed personal care and attention. Although Nathan conducts brilliant empiric research in her essay, Community and Diversity, she merely scratches the surface of the situation, reporting on the evidence around her, but not reaching the heart of problem. Students today necessitate a deeper understanding from other studentsan understanding they cannot have in a large community. Instead of waiting for small-scale university programming to come along, students have to take matters, and their best interests, into their own hands and create small, private networks that cater to their individual needs.

Biology :: Biology

Biology is the science of living systems. It is inherently interdisciplinary, requiring knowledge of the physical sciences and mathematics, although specialities whitethorn be oriented toward a group oforganisms or a level of organization. BOTANY isconcerned with plant life, ZOOLOGY with animallife, algology with ALGAE, MYCOLOGY withfungi, MICROBIOLOGY with microorganisms much(prenominal) as phylum Protozoa and bacteria, CYTOLOGY withCELLS, and so on. All biological specialties,however, are concerned with life and itscharacteristics. These characteristics includecellular organization, METABOLISM, responseto stimuli, development and growth, andreproduction. Furthermore, the informationneeded to control the expression of suchcharacteristics is contained within each organism.FUNDAMENTAL DISCIPLINES Life is dividedinto many levels of organization--atoms,molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems,organisms, and populations. The basic disciplinesof biology may study life at one or m ore of theselevels. Taxonomy attempts to arrange organisms innatural groups based on common features. It isconcerned with the identification, naming, andclassification of organisms. The seven majortaxonomic categories, or taxa, used inclassification are kingdom, phylum, class, order,family, genus, and species. Early systems usedonly two kingdoms, plant and animal, whereasmost modern systems use five MONERA(BACTERIA and BLUE-GREEN ALGAE),PROTISTA (PROTOZOA and the another(prenominal)ALGAE), FUNGI, PLANT, and wight. Thediscipline of ECOLOGY is concerned with theinterrelationships of organisms, both amongthemselves and between them and theirenvironment. Studies of the energy flow throughcommunities of organisms and of the environment(the ecosystem approach) are especially valuablein assessing the effects of human being activities. Anecologist must be knowledgeable in otherdisciplines of biology. Organisms respond tostimuli from other organisms and from theenvironment behaviorists ar e concerned withthese responses. Most of them study animals--asindividuals, groups, or entire species--in describingANIMAL BEHAVIOR patterns. These patternsinclude ANIMAL MIGRATION, courtship andmating, social organization, TERRITORIALITY,INSTINCT, and learning. When humans areincluded, biology overlaps with psychology andsociology. Growth and orientation responses ofplants can also be canvass in the discipline ofbehavior, although they are traditionallyconsidered as belonging under development andPHYSIOLOGY, respectively. Descriptive andcomparative EMBRYOLOGY are the classicareas of DEVELOPMENT studies, althoughpostembryological development, particularly the senescent process, is also examined. The biochemicaland biophysical mechanisms that control normaldevelopment are of particular interest when theyare related to birth defects, cancer, and otherabnormalities. Inheritance of physical andbiochemical characteristics, and the variations thatappear from generation to generation, are thegeneral subjects of GENETICS. The emphasismay be on improving domestic plants and animalsthrough controlled breeding, or it may be on themore fundamental questions of molecular andcellular mechanisms of HEREDITY. A branch ofbiology growing in importance since the 1940s,molecular biology essentially developed let out ofgenetics and biochemistry. It seeks to explainbiological events by studying the molecules within

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Bye Bye Brazil :: essays research papers

SummaryI really enjoyed watching the film Bye, Bye brazil-nut tree. I found it to be amusing as fountainhead as heartbreaking. I loved Gypsy Lorde. His disposition had the charisma bordering that of a male chauvinist pig to that of a gentleman. I liked the way the director apply symbolic images to get his point across to the audience. I think if I had not done research on the Internet for most of our assignments as well as reading the textbook, I would pull in found the movie very educational. I had no questions after watching the film. However, it did make me realize how the majority of cultures pass on assimilate during the process of change, losing a little if not the majority of their traditions that were establish decades ago. Bye, Bye Brazil (1980), a film by Carlos Diegues, tells a story more or less the struggle of two couples trying to find their dreams in a country, Brazil, that is being overcome by social changes and undergoing massive technological transformations. United by their dreams, the couples perish through the backlands of Brazil in a truck, to seek places where they can not only make a living, tho also find their dreams. The insights gained in the public life of the journey are insights of both acceptance and change. The main character, the accordionist Cico, starts by joining the Carnival Rolidei as means of breaking out of his suffocating town, and from his pre-determined course of life. The character Gypsy Lorde is portrayed as an ambitious and cynical manager without scruples who is reluctant to see the changes around him. Salome, Gypsy Lorde companion, is as cynical as he, but transmits an air of quiet resignation to the fact that things are changing, whether they like it or not. The fourth character Dasdo, Cicos wife, is very plain looking compared to Salome, very quiet, and passive. desire Salome, Dasdo also quietly resigns to the fact things are changing but she also tries to give an array of hope that the Carnival will survive and prosper. Bye, Bye Brazil unites in its characters and situations the same elements, which are part of the many processes that are transforming Brazil. The carnival travels from poor town to another. You can see the surprise and disgust of the characters as they go along from one part of Brazil to another. Finding that either the young have left behind their old for modernization or that the town people have been captivated by the magic and illusions presented by television.

Bye Bye Brazil :: essays research papers

SummaryI really enjoyed watching the film Bye, Bye Brazil. I found it to be amusing as well as heartbreaking. I loved Gypsy Lorde. His character had the charisma bordering that of a male chauvinist pig to that of a gentleman. I liked the office the director used symbolic images to get his point across to the audience. I think if I had not done research on the Internet for more or less of our assignments as well as reading the textbook, I would have found the movie very educational. I had no questions after watching the film. However, it did make me execute how the majority of cultures will assimilate during the process of change, losing a little if not the majority of their traditions that were establish decades ago. Bye, Bye Brazil (1980), a film by Carlos Diegues, tells a story about the struggle of two couples trying to grow their dreams in a country, Brazil, that is being overcome by social changes and undergoing massive technological transformations. fall in by their dream s, the couples travel through the backlands of Brazil in a truck, to seek places where they can not only make a living, but also find their dreams. The insights gained in the course of the journey are insights of both acceptance and change. The main character, the accordionist Cico, starts by joining the Carnival Rolidei as means of breaking out of his smothering town, and from his pre-determined course of life. The character Gypsy Lorde is portrayed as an ambitious and misanthropical manager without scruples who is reluctant to see the changes around him. Salome, Gypsy Lorde companion, is as cynical as he, but transmits an air of quiet resignation to the fact that things are changing, whether they like it or not. The fourth character Dasdo, Cicos wife, is very plain aspect compared to Salome, very quiet, and passive. Like Salome, Dasdo also quietly resigns to the fact things are changing but she also tries to give an array of hope that the Carnival will deliver the goods and p rosper. Bye, Bye Brazil unites in its characters and situations the same elements, which are part of the many processes that are transforming Brazil. The carnival travels from poor town to another. You can see the surprise and crime of the characters as they move from one part of Brazil to another. Finding that either the young have left behind their old for modernization or that the town people have been captivated by the magic and illusions presented by television.

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Characters in Troilus and Criseyde

Characters Achilles, warrior who kills Troilus and Hector in battle Antenor, a soldier held captive by the Greeks, led to the fall of Troy, traded for Criseydes safety Calchas, a trojan horse prophet who joins the Greeks Criseyde, Calchas daughter Helen, wife to Menelaus, lover of Paris Pandarus, Criseydes uncle, advises Troilus in the wooing of Criseyde Priam, King of Troy Cassandra, Daughter of Priam, a prophetess at the temple of Apollo Hector, Prince of Troy, fierce warrior and drawing card of the Trojan armies Troilus, Youngest son of Priam, and wooer of Criseyde Paris, Prince of Troy, lover of HelenDeiphobus, Prince of Troy, aids Troilus in the wooing of Criseyde Synopsis Criseyde, the daughter of the seer Calchas, lives alone in Troy after her laminitis abandons the Trojans to help the Greeks. Eventually she catches the eye of Troilus, a man who had previously scoffed at love, and becomes the object of his overwhelming desire. With the help of Criseydes uncle Pandarus he wins her love but in short loses it when the Greeks and the Trojans conduct an exchange of prisoners. Calchas, who knows of Troys imminent destruction, persuades the Greeks to exchange Antenor for his daughter and thus saves her from the doomed city.Criseyde promises Troilus that shell return to him after ten days but in one case shes back in the care of her father she realizes the impossibility of her promise. Resigned to her fate, Criseyde yields to the flirtations of Diomedes, and her love for Troilus fades. When Deiphobus wins the armor of Diomedes, Troilus discovers a brooch he gave Criseyde upon her departure pinned to it. Heartbroken, he tries to find Diomedes and conduct his revenge during battle but after slaying many is in his turn killed by Achilles. As his spirit goes to heaven he reflects on the giddiness of all life itself. work cited Wikipedia online encyclopaedia

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Biological Factors of Human Relationships

Biological factors are something that contributes hugely to the formation and maintenance of relationships- whether it is amorous, friendly or family related. Many researchers pick out conducted studies in which they have attempted to try and explain the link between biological factors and human relationships. I am going to specifically focusing on Bowlbys field on the constituent of horm peerlesss in bonding, Buss study on women jealousy and its relation to estrogen take aims, Fishers study on the brain and its role in romantic relationships, and Marazziti who studied the effect of serotonin on love obsession.These studies will help me show the role that biological factors have in human relationships in two the development and maintenance of them. Serotonin. A neurotransmitter that may be involved in love, but is more commonly known as a chemical in the brain to change according to the moods of a person. A study conducted by Marazziti et al (1999) in Pisa (Italy) was to deter mine whether serotonin could perhaps explain the continuous focus on the beloved. The study mainly showed that the early on stage of love really changes the way that people think.He used 60 participants 20 who were in love, 20 who were OCD and 20 neutrals- who were not in love or OCD (controlled variable). He conducted the experiment by analyzing samples of blood from each of the participants. He lay down that the serotonin levels in the lovers were that of the same level as those participants who had OCD. This helps to show that there is a possible connection between the serotonin levels in the blood and the connection of romantic love.However some downfalls to this experiment could be the fact that Marazziti did not document or analyze and consider the serotonin activity in the specific brain regions may effect the validity and the reliability of the results from the study. This is because without having these factors being played into the study and research we are unsure of th e exact role that serotonin has in romantic love. Hence, the influence of this biological factor is not soundly connected with romantic relationships and has no definite tie to show how it restores or doesnt affect it.The development of a relationship from the first and early stages of love to the more developed stages, couples tend to move from the passionate love to the more intimate relationship of relaxation, dependency, and security which all play into attachment. In 1969 Bowlby suggested, mankind have an innate attachment system which consists of specific behaviours and psychological responses called attachment behaviours. For his experiment it mainly was conducted for research on mother kid relationships however umteen believe that the results are relatable to both mother child and romantic relationships.According to more modern research, it has been shown that both oxytocin- a powerful hormone which is released in men and women during touch sensation and sex which help s to deepen and intensify the beliefings of the select attachment- and vasopressin- a hormone released also during sex- help in increasing the bond that is between two lovers. Through this it helps the couples to feel closer and more bonded. One of the main criticisms of this experiment was the complexity of the researched relationships and how since they didnt consider other factors that might affect the results, therefore resulting in the possibility that it could be unreliable.However if looking at just this one aspect, this biological factor can be considered to have an influence on human relationships both mother child and romantic, but it is unknown the influence when other factors are in play as well. In 1996, Buss suggested that jealousy may be something that is biologically based, and found that womens patterns of jealousy vary throughout their menstrual cycle. So when oestrogen levels are low, women tend to be more sexually jealous where as when the oestrogen levels are r elatively high women tend to be more emotionally jealous.This helped to set the base of his argument that human sexual behaviour is grounded in the read to optimize the potential for reproduction, with the goal of the best genetic combination possible for the offspring, as well as maximizing parental care after a birth. When he did his study in 1993 he found that women and men in regions of the world with high levels of pathogen stress rated the importance of physical attractiveness. For this study there was a huge amount of gender bias as he tends to favor men and only criticizes women This gives an uneven weighting and unreliable results from the research.Also he made generalizations that gear be made as incompatible people have different personalities. Due to these criticisms, there can be hints at possibilities on his theories of this biological factors affect on human relationships however it is not something that has been proven. Finally, Fishers research in 2001was a cond ucted study using FMRI (functioning magnetic resonance imaging) to analyze and examine the mend of the brain on romantic love. He took a large sample of young couples to test in this experiment.He took each person individually into the scanner and showed him or her a picture of their beloved and of an acquaintance in 6-second intervals. Throughout this process, Fisher got results that showed the brain in love. This is because the brain showed the reward system when the picture of their loved one came up however when the neutral or controlled picture showed, there was no activity. Interestingly, the more passionate people were- in accordance to the questionnaire they filled out of the torrid Love Scale before the test- the more active the brains reward system was as well.All in all this shows that yes this biological factor does play a role in the overall outlook of human relationships. Overall, we can see that throughout the vast variety of different studies done by a variety of d ifferent psychologists, there are quite a few things that a visual modality of them did not consider. Through this we can see that yes there are a lot of things that could play a role in the human relationships but due to the criticisms and downfalls of the studies we are yet to discover how much of a role they do truly play.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Sports Participation and Academic Success

Sports Participation and Academic supremacy Kurtis Arnold Grand Valley State University As an increasingly relevant sectionalisation of society, sports await to find a way into many parts of our everyday lives from the global stage to our own mortal experiences and feelings towards them. Not only are sports and gymnastic competition employ for the declare oneself of entertaining, but the core values of athletic competition are reflected also in the mainstream cultural values in society (Snyder & Spreitzer, 1974).Some of these values include song for excellence, fair play, sportsmanship, hard work, and commitment to a goal, and all are applauded in virtually every area in society outside of sports. Another evoke point to be made about athletic contest in society is that those who seem to excel in an area of sport, and put down competitively in sports, seem to be held to high(prenominal)(prenominal) status than those who are not viewed to be athletic.This trend contribute occur as early as middle school (Eder & Kinney, 1995), and frequently continues through high school (Zentner & Parr, 1968), college (Finkenberg & Moode, 1996), and even beyond college in sea captain sports as many dream of one day becoming a professional athlete (Stiles, Gibbons, Sebben, & Wiley, 1999). Much has been written about the relationship of sports and society in a broader sense, but little has been discovered through about the role of athletics as it relates to faculty member outcomes for adolescents.Even less is known about the specific benefits of athletic club that whitethorn exist for various students of polar racial backgrounds. What is currently anticipate in the publications is that companionship in sports benefit adolescents academicianally in a number of important ways. First, it seems that sports participation enhances students feeling of connectedness to ones school. Secondly, sports participation seems to promote its own intrinsic value on students .That is, students who are able to find structured activities within school settings that capture their attention get out be more likely to assimilate to the philosophy of schooling (Jordan, 1999) Participation in sports whitethorn also foster an extrinsic motivation for students to do salutary in their academic studies so that they may stay eligible to participate in athletics. Although the literature illustrates near of the reasons participation in sports may facilitate higher academic achievement, the question quiesce form.Does sports participation in fact afford a positive effect on academics? This may be an easy fair to middling question to ask, but the difficulties in answering this question seem to be extensive. Many past studies flummox sought to answer this question by conducting relapse analyses of cross-sectional data sets collected from students throughout the country in order to determine if sports participation is correlated with higher academic outcomes.It s eems from a review of the literature that no one has been able to conduct an experimental oeuvre which tests the effects of sports participation verses non-participation on some form of academic outcome. The difficulty in conducting a truly experimental study of the relationship of sports participation with academic outcomes comes from a number of different problems that come with the design of such(prenominal) a study. One such difficulty is the voluntary nature of sports participation.Sports participation occurs on a voluntary basis in which student athletes choose whether or not to participate in sports. Because of this, it becomes difficult to design a study in absence of self-selection biases among participants (Jordan, 1999). Another difficulty in designing an experiment testing sports participations effects on academic outcomes is the vast number of participants that would be needed to participate in the experiment. The benefit of using data from national longitudinal surve ys is the vast amount of data that terminate be obtained in a relatively simple and inexpensive fashion.Also, in the analysis of this data, lookers are able to statistically control for a number of variables such as socioeconomic status, risk factors, and parental education level that may contaminate the effects of sports participation on academic outcomes. In contrast, an experimental study would have to offset these variables through random selection, and random assignment to conditions. Both of these processes require a large population in order to truly clear these con lay outing variables. It is for these reasons, among others, that research n the topic of sports participation and academic outcomes remains in its early stages of development, and tend to rely heavily on the analysis of data. Although the research on the relationship among athletics and academic outcomes remain in its early stages, current research has made important contributions to our understanding of how participation in sports may have an impact on academic outcomes. One such interesting finding from the research is that in general, an extremely few number of students participate in organized sports (Jordan, 1999).According to the National Educational Longitudinal Study conducted in 1988 (NELS 88) only about 21% of students participated in teams sports, and 15% of students were involve in individual sports when students who participated in both team and individual sports were included. This finding suggests that whatever impact sports participation may have on students academic outcomes, very few students have the opportunity to receive these benefits. Jordan (1999) also found that participation in sports did have a positive relationship with students GPA, self-concept, academic preparedness, and standardized test scores.Although the relationship between sports participation and the academic improvement in these areas may be small, the relationships remain both positive and consist ent for students across gender, and racial lines. It is also noted that these types of improvements may not be limited only to sports participation, but may also be expanded to other school related extracurricular activities as wholesome (Jordan, 1999). Another study, also analyzing data from the NELS 88 surveys, found similar effects of sports participation on academic outcomes.According to Broh (2002) student participation in athletics does jock to facilitate success in the classroom. This facilitation of increased success may be for a number of reasons, and Broh attempts to explain the findings in this study according to three different theoretical sit arounds. The first, and most popular of these theoretical models is the developmental model. For a number of years it has been the belief of researchers, educators, and the public that involvement in athletics helps to friendlyize students in ways that promote academic success.While participating in athletics, students learn im portant skills such as a strong work ethic, self-discipline, respect for authority, and perseverance which can all be used for academic success as well (Miracle & Rees, 1995). Also, repeated success in athletics through the learning of a unseasoned skill, and also in winning a competition helps students to develop a higher level of self-esteem, and confidence which can be carried over into academics. In Brohs (2002) study, the developmental model accounted for one third of sports participations effects on academic outcome.Sports participation does in fact seem to help to improve students self-esteem, locus of control, and quantify spent on homework. It is assumed that these habits eventually translate into better academic outcomes. Another model used by Broh (2002) to explain why sports participation may be linked to academic outcome is the leading-crowd theory. For many years the developmental theory dominated popular beliefs of the relationship between sports participation and a cademic outcomes.So much in fact that little attempt was given to make an alternative pedigree for it. Recently however, the leading-crowd theory has offered some challenge to the developmental theory. According to the leading-crowd theory, participation in sports offers a higher social status to those who participate and facilitates a membership into the leading-crowd. Consisting of the most popular students in high school, this leading-crowd is disproportionately comprised of college oriented, high achieving students (Rehberg & Schafer, 1968).Although the argument may be indirect, thither is some evidence that suggests that high school athletes are among the students with the highest status in high schools (Zentner & Parr, 1968), and they also seem to be part of a college oriented peer group (Wells & Picou, 1980). In Brohs (2002) study, only a small effect was found between cosmos in a high status, college oriented peer group and higher academic outcomes. This may be the carap ace because students do not gain as much from being a part of a high status, college oriented group of peers as they do from the social connections made by participation in sports.The third model used by Broh (2002) was the social enceinte theory. The social capital theory is the idea that masses have the ability to accrue benefits through membership in various social networks. According to Coleman (1988), the family is the greatest source of social capital for students. Students whose parents are well educated, and spend a significant amount of time interacting with their children, often tend to have higher educational outcomes than those who do not. Sports may also serve as a way for students to have greater amounts of interaction with super educated adults.Because high school sports are often coached by administrators, t to each oneers, or highly respected members of the community, an increased amount of interaction with these authority figures may in fact help to encourage at hletes to not only be successful on the field, but also in the classroom (Portes, 2000). In Brohs (2002) study, there was some evidence that a social capital exchange may be taking place among students and the adults they interact with in their athletic activities.It seems from this study that social capital had an effect on students grades, but did not have an effect on standardized test scores. What is important to note is that when each of the theoretical models were analyzed individually in Brohs (2002) study, the results indicated only small, if any, effects on academic outcomes. The best results of analysis occurred when all three models (developmental theory, leading-crowd theory, and social capital theory) were analyzed together.Even when all three models were analyzed, there is still a great deal of variance left unexplained when it comes to the effects of sports participation on academic outcomes. This has been consistent with much of the literature involved with sports pa rticipation and academic outcomes (Broh, 2002). Other research in the area of sports participation focuses on the types of people who participate in sports. As previously described, research in the area of sports participation has mostly come from cross-sectional data analysis.This has made it difficult to determine a causal order between sports participation and academic outcomes. Although sports participation may in fact be the reason for higher academic outcomes, it could also be the case that higher achieving, disciplined, determined, and goal oriented youth are the ones choosing to participate in sports (Spreitzer, 1994). It is for this reason that some researchers have sought to discover more about the types of people who participate in sports.According to a study conducted by Videon (2002) participation is athletic activities may be associated with a students socioeconomic status, siblings, family structure, year in school, attendance at a private school, size of school, regi on of the country, and whether or not the school was located in an urban area. After analyzing data collected from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (ADD Health), it was discovered that a number of the variables previously mentioned could be used to predict whether or not a student would participate in athletics.Variables contributing to the influencing of students towards sports participation may be referred to as socialization into sport. One of the major factors contributing to the socialization into sport has been found to be parental influence. Often times, a childs parent, or parents are the first to expose their child to athletics and their encouragement to participate potently influences a students decision to start playing sports, and continue to play them throughout their schooling (Videon, 2002). Another key factor in predicting which students give play sports and continue to play them is a students socioeconomic background.It is a known fact that par ticipating in sports often comes with its expenses. Although some schools may offer the use of equipment for some of the sports offered, often times this does not include all of the equipment needed to play the sport. At a minimum, most parents will have to purchase cleats, special gloves, bats, and numerous other types of equipment in order for their child to play any given sport. Along with the expense of equipment, most schools have a pay to play policy for sports in order to subsidize their lacking in the sports budget.It is for these reasons that those students who participate in sports also tend to come from a higher socioeconomic background (Videon, 2002). Another import thing to note from research is that sports participation tends to be much lower for girls than it is boys, especially among African American students (Videon 2002, Jordan 1999, Zentner & Parr 1968). Although the transitory of title IX has encouraged more female participation in sports, over thirty years late r the number of girls participating in sports is still far less than the number of boys.This especially true in suberban, and rural areas where the number of girls participating in sports is only about three for every five. These total are compared to those of urban schools where the number of girls participating is three for every four (Videon, 2002). It may be the case that because of lower participation rates among girls that fewer benefits of athletic participation are being experianced by girls. This may or may not be the case. Some research suggests that the effects of sports participation among boys on academic outcomes may be stronger for boys than it is for girls (Snyder & Spreitzer 1974, Videon 2002).There are a number of explanations for boys benefitting more from athletic participation. One such explanation is that by being involved in a sport, boys will be less likely to skip class in order to avoid not being allowed to play. Also, boys are more likely to act to the h igh expectations of coaches in order to stay eligible to play (Videon, 2002). These relationships may not be showing up as strongly for girls, because on reasonable girls have higher academic outcomes than boys, and skip class less often regardless of whether or not they participate in sports (Jacobs, 2009).Although from the research conducted by Videon (2002) indicates that some of the reason for athletes having higher academic outcomes may be contributed to other factors (students socioeconomic status, siblings, family structure, size of school, region of the country, and whether or not the school was located in an urban area), the net result of the analysis still showed that some of the varience can be explained by the sports participation itself.In this study (Videon, 2002), in Brohs study (2002), and in Jordan (1999), no(prenominal) were able to show that sports participation could explain more than about nine percent of the variance for any type of academic outcome. In all t hree, however, the results seemed to be consistant and positive. In spite of the small amounts of varience explained, it still seems that sports participation could be a contributing factor for positive academic outcomes.What is important to remember when making a judgment on the variance explained by sports participation on academic outcomes is that there are innumerable variables that may contribute to a students academic outcome. It is difficult to narrow down an explanation for academic outcomes to only a few variables that explain a great deal of the variance. So, when we see that sports participation can only explain about three to five percent of the variance for various factors contributing to academic outcomes this is in fact a great amount.Although the findings of these studies were able to find significant positive effects of sports participation on academic outcomes, these findings do not seem to be representative of the publics perception. It has long been the belief o f the public that sports participation has strong influences on academic outcomes. Various studies have investigated public perceptions of sports participation and its relationship to academics and found that it is strongly believed by the public that athletics and academics are strongly related (Goidel & Hamilton, 2006 Fairweather, 1988 Finkenberg & Moode, 1996).Regardless of these beliefs, there has yet to be a study that shows a strong relationship between athletics and academic outcomes that is representative of the publics perceptions. It is unknown as to why the public so strongly believes in this relationship, but the fact still remains that the effect of athletics on academics remains too small to make an argument for encouraging students to participate in sports in order to achieve higher academic outcomes.Instead, encouragement for students to participate in sports should be done on the basis of improving students health and wellness, and should not be used as an alternati ve to proven methods for improving academic outcomes among students. Works Cited Broh, B. A. (2002). Linking Extracurricular Programming to Academic Achievement Who Benefits and Why. Sociology of Education, 69-95. Eder, D. , & Kinney, D. A. (1995). The effect of middle school extracurricular activities on adolescents popularity and peer status.Youth and Society, 298-324. Fairweather, J. S. (1988). Reputational Quality of Academic Programs The Institutional Halo. Research in gamyer Education, 345-355. Finkenberg, M. E. , Moode, F. M. (1996). College students perceptions of the purposes of sports. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19-22. Goidel, R. K. , & Hamilton, J. M. (2006). Strengthening Higher Education Through Gridiron Success? Public Perceptions of the Impact of National Football Championships on Academic Quality. Social Science Quarterly, 851-862.Jacobs, J. A. (2009). Review of The gender gap in college. Gender & Society, 722-724. Jordan, W. A. (1999). Black High School Students Participation in School-sponsored Sports Activities Effects on School Engagement and Achievement. Journal of Negro Education, 54-70. Miracle, A. W. , Rees, C. R. (1995). Lessons of the Locker Room The Myth of School Sports by. Journal of American Studies, 292. Portes, A. (2000). The Two Meanings of Social Capital. Sociological Forum, 1-12. Rehberg, R. A. , Schafer, W. E. 1968). Participation in interschool fun and College Expectations. American Journal of Sociology, 732-740. Snyder, E. E. , Spreitzer, E. (1974). Sociology of sport An overview. The Sociological Quarterly, 467-487. Spreitzer, E. (1994). Does Participation in Interscholastic Athletics Affect Adult Developement? A Longitudinal Analysis of 18-24 Cohort. Youth and Society, 368-387. Stiles, D. A. , Gibbons, J. L. , Sebben, D. J. , Wiley, D. C. (1999). Why adolescent boys dream of becoming professional athletes.Psychological Reports, 1075-1085. Videon, T. M. (2002). Who Plays and Who Benefits Gender, Interscholastic A thletics, and Academic Outcomes. Sociological Perspectives, 415-445. Wells, R. H. , Picou, J. S. (1980). Interscholastic Athletes and Socialization for Educational Achievement. Journal of Sport Behavior, 119-128. Zentner, H. , Parr, A. R. (1968). Social status in the high school An analysis of some related variables. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 253-264.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Cattle Ranching and It’s Increasing Affect on Deforestation Essay

One may not look at the hamburger in their hands and automatically think, What was through to our environment in order to make this delicious piece of meat? but it really is a question that any meat consumer should consider. Believe it or not, eating that one hamburger indirectly causes the rate of de toneation to increase each single day It actually is quite simple how this hamburger affects two our environment and agriculture. In order for meat industries to be able to distribute their products to consumers, they need the cattle to be raised, fed, and grown and of course, cattle ranchers need a property to raise their cattle.In order for these ranchers to have space for the cattle to do so, trees argon actually being cut down to make get on for these pastures. In turn, one of the largest impacts that the meat industry has on our environment is its contribution to the ever-increasing rise of deforestation all over the world. The thing that most people do not realize is that the land being used to raise the meat that they consume, was once a flourishing forest. This process of deforestation starts when the land inside a forest is cut through to make a reasonable enough size path for a road to reside. Once the area for the road is cleared, commercial farmers allow for move in and start to grow crops.The problem with this is that rainforest soil is not efficient enough to handle crops that need sustainable soil. Needless to say, the crops do not endure for more than two to three years. More often than not, ranchers use the remnants of these now beaten down crops and grassy fields for their cattle to graze. there are many negative impacts caused by this deforestation and pasture conversion. With every tree cut down and cleared away, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are emitted into our atmosphere and pollute the air. The trees act as a sort of canopy and absorb much of the carbon to convert into woody tissue. Without having trees as tools of absorp tion, the carbon sooner invades the air in which we breathe. Along with deforestation, the actual production of the aforementioned farming and meat industry emits many harmful chemicals into our world. According to Environmental Defense, if every American skipped one meal of chicken per week and substituted vegetarian foods instead, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than a half-million cars off U.S. roads. ( goes hand in hand with deforestation because the production, from the cutting down of the trees and the processing that must occur, there are many harmful gases, like carbon dioxide, being emitted into the air. Soil abjection is also an outcome of this deforestation caused by the need for grazing land. The soil in the rainforests is very fragile. The different nutrients that the soil gains come from fallen leaves and branches from the trees. The trees also table service to protect the soil from the radiating sun and any torrential rain . Native grasses provide few nutrients and little protection for the soil and the overgrazing actually accelerates the nutrient going away and erosion. The worst part is that livestock production compounds this damage, making it irreversible.To put things even more into perspective, here is another frightening fact it only takes between cinque to ten years for the overgrazing and nutrient loss caused by cattle and deforestation to turn the rainforest land into an eroded wasteland. An area of rainforest the size of seven football fields is destroyed every minute to make room for grazing cattle ( In contrast to those who eat meat, vegetarians save one acre of trees every year by eating a meat-free diet, thereby saving the need to cut down the trees for grazing purposes ( This is the true because if there is a decrease in the demand for meat, then there is a decrease in the amount trees being cut down since fewer cattle will need room to graze. The next time so meone picks up a burger, I suggest you say to them, I bet you didnt know by eating that burger you are also killing acres of trees.Works CitedAchor, Amy Blount. Animal Rights A Beginners Guide. Ohio WriteWare, Inc., 1996. Brown, Michael L. Limiting Corrupt Incentives in a Global REDD Regime. Ecology lawfulness Quarterly (2010) 237-267.Cattle Ranching and Deforestation. Live Stock Policy Brief. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 13 Sept. 2010Eating For Vegetarian and Vegan Information. PETA. Web. 8Apr. 2010. .Fox, Michael Allen. Vegetarianism and Planetary Health. moral philosophy and Environment (2000)163-174.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Hazardous wastes come

Hazardous wastes come in many different signifiers, forms and sizes. But all dangerous waste has one topic in common. If it is non disposed of properly it can be harmful to our planet. Hazardous waste can come in the signifier of a solid, liquid or gas. Hazardous wastes ar divided into different classs listed wastes, characteristic wastes, cosmopolitan wastes, and assorted wastes. Listed wastes are specific wastes that the US Environmental Protection Agency has decided are unsafe. They are farther categorized into the F-list non- specific beginning wastes from common fabrication and industrial procedures, the K-list source-specific wastes in industries such(prenominal) as crude oil refinement or pesticide fabrication, and the P-list and U-list specific discarded commercial chemical merchandises such as certain pesticides and pharmaceutical merchandises. Characteristic wastes are non needfully listed as wild but if they found grounds of ignitability, corrosivity, responsivene ss, or toxicity. Universal wastes include batteries, pesticides, mercury-containing equipment, and visible radiation bulbs. Assorted wastes contain a combination of radioactive and risky waste constituents.A individual, go with or a location that generates risky waste are divided into three classs Large pulsation generators ( LOGs ) bring forthing 1,000 kgs per month or more, little measure generators ( SOGs ) bring forthing more than 100 kgs, but less than 1,000 kgs per month, and Conditionally relieve little measure generators ( CESQGs ) bring forthing 100 kgs or less per month of risky waste.Businesss such as dry cleaners, car fix stores, gas Stationss, infirmaries, eradicators, and exposure processing centres generate a great trade of risky waste. In infirmaries entirely, risky waste can be found in research labs, nursing units, the pharmaceutics, runing suites, dental clinics, x-ray units, and the mortuary. In those countries, risky waste can come in the signifier of x-ray mo vie, ethyl alcohol, batteries, fluorescent visible radiation bulbs, IV bags, z-ray shielding putty, and even chemotherapy drugs. This nevertheless is merely a short list of workable risky waste in our concerns.Although industries create a batch of risky waste, families generate a just sum every bit good. In our autos we expenditure gasoline, antifreeze, car batteries, brake fluid, oil and fuel filters, carburettor cleansing agent, engine degreaser, and transmittal fluid. To clean our place we use ammonia, antibacterial merchandises and germicides, Cl bleach, drain opener, furniture Polish, metal cleaners, oven cleaner, rust remover, athletics and discoloration remover, and lavatory bowl cleansing agent, and for our out-of-door needs we use lawn and garden works insect slayer, bullet toxicant, crazy weed slayers and if you own a pool, pool chemicals. For personal merchandises use hair colour, hairspray, nail gloss, nail Polish remover, and risky wastes are even in some medical e xam specialties.Transporters move risky waste from one site to another. A transporter must obtain an EPA designation figure, must follow transportation installation demands, give attesting and record maintaining and cognize the actions to take in the event of risky waste discharges or spills ( 1 ) . The Hazardous Waste Manifest System is used to snub risky waste from the site where it is produced to the site that will hive away, recycle, dainty or dispose of the waste.The Toxic Substances Control Act controls the 70,000 plus chemicals that are world distributed in the United States. The policy includes 1 ) adequate informations should be developed with regard to the consequence of chemical substances and mixtures on wellness and the environment and that the development of such informations should be the duty of those who manufacture and those who process such chemical substances and mixtures 2 ) adequate authorization should be to modulate chemical substances and mixtures which present an unreasonable adventure of hurt to wellness or the environment, and to take action with regard to chemical substances and mixtures which are at hand jeopardies and 3 ) authorization over chemical substances and mixtures should be exercised in such a mode as non to hinder unduly or make unneeded economic barriers to technological invention while make throughing the primary intent of this chapter to guarantee that such invention and commercialism in such chemical substances and mixtures do non show an unreasonable hazard of hurt to wellness or the environment ( Chapter 53-Toxic Substance Control, Subchapter I-Control of Toxic Substances ) . This Amendment was passed in 1976 to guarantee the ordinance of these substances by the Environmental Protection Agency and the safety of our planet and the animals and worlds populating it.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Man To Send Rain clouds Symbolism and Obscurity Essay

Inher short story The Man to Send Rainclouds Leslie Silko writes about the burial of a dead native elder, stating that he sat down to rest in the shade and never got up again (Silko 1). Silko uses obscurity and symbolization to display her attitude towards nicety. She was very open to varied religions and ways of life because she was of a mixed descent.Obscurity is a recurring motif in the story. Silko uses it to show how blurred the lines of culture can really become. The curtains were heavy, and the light from inwardly faintly penetrated (Silko 2) is an example of a quote that features the motif. It showcases that because there wasnt sufficient lighting it was hard to see, which is a metaphorical way of saying that a unload decision couldnt be made. It was unclear whether giving the natives the holy water was right or wrong in the priest mind and this quote highlighted that fact. a nonher(prenominal) quote is They were nearly hidden by the red blanket, (Silko 2). It is an exam ple of obscurity because the blanket is blocking the view of Teofilo and his moccasins which can be interpreted as the culture itself being hidden. Examples of the motif of obscurity can be found in many parts of the short story.Symbolism is a very prevalent literary gene in Silkos work. One example is in the quote, Leons green arm jacket that was too big for her, (Silko 2) where the jacket represented the western culture. It was something that Louise was not used to and it didnt suit her. It seemed as though it was placed into her life unwillingly but she began to embrace the different wayof life. Another example of symbolism is Teofilo it could be argued that he represented the native culture. With his death came the breakdown of his culture. His people began to incorporate the western ways of living into their own. Symbolism is a very beta part of this story because Silko uses it to communicate with the reader.All in all, The Man to Send Rainclouds is a piece of literature that is written with a motif of obscurity and a tummy of symbolism. Both keeps the reader entertained and betters the work. Silko maintained openness to the cultures of both the western world and the natives while showing that one was beginning to overtake the other.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

IPSec Policies Essay

IPSec protocols facilitate encrypting information that is being transmitted over the network thus enhancing security and confidentiality of the data. First, it is important to score that IPSec is regularly employed at a Group Security level and it is non generally compatible with all the available operating placements. IPSec is compatible simply with Windows operating system series 2000, XP and 2003. Windows operating system basically consists of three built-in IPSec policies according to Posey (2004). First, is the Server insurance which in other words is called Request-Security Policy.This heart that wherever it is applied, the system requests IPSec encryption so as to allow communication between another(prenominal) computer and the main machine. Besides, if that other computer does not donjon IPSec encryption, the session is allowed to remain encrypted. Second is the Client Policy which in other words is called response-only constitution as it does not at all ask for IPSe c encryption. Nevertheless, when another device in the network asks for IPSec encryption, a system that applies Client Policy responds by permitting encryption of sessions.Third, is the Secure Server Policy which calls for IPSec encryption for all accounting entry link requests made to the server. Thus, it does not sustain non-encrypted sessions. However, this indemnity exempts ICMP traffic to allow connect without any encryption requirements (Posey, 2004). In Win2k3, IPSec facilities in provision of security-in-depth against cyber attacks propagated by hackers and/or un-trusted devices in the network. Internet Protocol security shields devices against attacks in environments such as virtual private network (VPN), host-to-host, secure server and site-to-site or router-to-router.IPSec applies cryptography and big money filtering to secure networks. These features ensure user earmark, data privacy and integrity as well as reliable communication. In this regard, a few requirements which must be met while setting-up IPSec policies in Win2k3. First, in case a system entails Active Directory based IPSec policy, then group policy and active directory have to be configured properly, necessary trusts sterilized, and application of necessary permissions. Second, every device in the network must be assigned IPSec policy compatible that of others in the network.Third, authentication procedures have to be built up properly and identified in IPSec policy to allow for mutual authentication amid IPSec peers. Fourth, routers and additional filtering devices need to be configured properly to allow IP Security protocol interchange on various parts of the shared network. Fifth, all the computers must have IPSec-supportive operating system and incase they have different operating system, compatibility issues of the IPSec policies have to be addressed.Sixth, IPSec-based connections have to be sufficiently sized besides maintaining the amount of IP Security policies at a minim um. Finally, it is necessary that all system administrators are provided with proper training so as to be able to configure the IPSec policies (Microsoft Corporation, 2010). To successfully implement IPSec in Win2k3, the above steps have to be carried out or seen to be make effectively. It is therefore important to ensure they are observed to the latter although trustworthy distinct procedures have to be observed while implementing IPSec policies.To start with, Bird (2007a) writes that the functionality of IPSec is provided on a Win2k3 via IPSec Services. Therefore, while initially configuring IPSec, it is important to ensure that it is operating in the server. This can be done by checking for IPSec functionality withinn the Services MMC. Besides, the Services MMC is accessible via the administrative Tools menu in the domain controller. The service is put together so that it starts routinely by default. The second important process during murder of IPSec policy is to choose and a ssigns a proper IPSec policy.Once IPSec policies are assigned, it is in order to define the specific actions to be executed on arriving network interchange which meets or does not meet a specific criteria. Both IPSec components and policies are configured via IPSec Policy Management MMC snap-in. Accordingly, Bird (2007a) in his work states that there is no other way to access MMC in Administrative Tools menu and one has to open a blank MMC before adding a snap-in. Consequently, the author argues that to access properties of a prevailing rule, so as to modify or change it, one can do this by double-clicking the rule from within the IPSec Security Policies snap-in.Such page of properties for default policies appears as in the below diagram. Fig. 1 Server Properties NB Bird, 2007a. Implement IPSec on Windows Server 2003. The IPSec policy consists of regulations that stipulate the type of traffic entailed in the policy and methods used for authentication procedures. Additionally, an IPS ec policy encompasses traffic occurrences in cases where it meets specified criteria or not (Bird, 2007a). Thirdly, another important procedure during execution is referred to as filtering action.It entails specifying whether or not the defined IPSec rule applies to the entire network connections. For instance whether connections emanating from the Local Area web and/or from remote links. As Indicated in the figure above, the policy consists of three distinct rules. The first rule stipulates that security needs to be called for all the exist IP traffic and that it should Kerberos requires to be applied to enhance encryption (security and privacy) and authentication procedures.Second rule stipulates that the entire ICMP traffic for instance tracert and ping should be given access without any requirement for security measures. Third rule which is also the default rule stipulates what happens to the network traffic that does not match to any of the rules (Ibid, 2007a). As earlier s tated that there exists three distinct IPSec policies, Client policy (Respond policy) is more common although one can be required to create an IPSec policy from scratch. Therefore, for the purpose of this document it is only an overview of Client and Server Policies implementation that are considered.Bird (2007b) in his work takes a closer look at implementation of Client policy on Win2k3 and argues that it distinctly moderate compared to the others. In this environment, when a client applies for an IPSec connection, it is awarded based on security request. It is important to note that authentication procedures in Win2k3 and Active Directory encompass Kerberos as the default method. However, IPSec on Win2k3 supports pre-shared keys as well as digital certificates as alternative methods for authentication.As earlier mentioned, successful IPSec implementation process consists of three processes basically assigning, configuring and monitoring. In assigning IPSec policy, you first selec t it in the IPSec Policy Management MMC snap-in, right-click and then activate it. It is only one policy which can be assigned at any given time without necessarily refreshing the policy manual(a)ly. However, while assigning IPSec via Group Policy, a manual refresh is necessary. At such point, Win2k3 is sufficiently prepared to respond to any requests for inward bound IPSec connections (Bird, 2007b).Configuring or enabling the functionality of IPSec can any be done manually or via Group Policy in case of deployment on sizeable number of clients. In manual configuration, IPSec policy is configured simply by via Local Security Policy MMC in the Control Panel Administrative Tools menu. IPSec policy snap-in is included into the Administrative Tools menu by default. Alternatively, the Control Panel Administrative Tools menu can be accessed by clicking Start, Run and then typing Secpol. msc in the field.It is in the IPSec policy snap-in where one makes use present policy and/or builds a new one. For instance, where Server policy is implemented on workstation, requests to non-IPSec enabled hosts are allowed without IPSec and on the other hand, connections to hosts that do support IPSec uses encryption. Subsequently, Bird (2007b) writes that up on configuration of IPSec it is in order to monitor and validate the performance of IPSec traffic. This is usually done by victimisation IPSec Monitor MMC snap-in via navigating through the Statistics folder in the system.These statistics consists of the data quantity received or sent in encrypted format as well as number of existing security associations. Furthermore the author states that IPSec acts as a supplement to the network troubleshooting. Hence, at any point in time where connectivity matters arise, one must examine the source of the problem in either the basic network structure or the IPSec. It is important to note that where security of the data is a key consideration, one can comfortably assign, configure, and m onitor the IPSec via using Microsoft tools and software.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Pet Sounds vs. Rubber Soul

Sharron Shelby Cynthia Bartles ENG 104 3/27/13 Es assure two Final Pet hold outs vs. Rubber Soul Have you ever heard of the edge Boys Pet Sounds and the Beatles Rubber Soul? If not I recommend that you listen to these albums, especially if you recognise somewhatone. dissertation of these bands there are humanityy differences and similarities when it comes to the honor and the friendship that the artists between these two albums. As you can attest the band members has been by many major things through bring out their life.Also you can tell that both of the Beach Boys and The Beatles book been through many situations by the stylus their music is mixed up and by the guidance the performed during their concerts. From my fate of view, I believe the Pet Sounds album was the best between the two albums because it was excellent. I can personally relate to the Pet Sounds album because Im pretty much going through the same thing with my relationship. straight dont get me wrong the Rubber Soul album was cool besides there was a rotary of love and affection, and the companionship that was demonstrate throughout the Pet Sounds album that makes me love it so much.Both of the bands hold in been through plenty of things throughout their lifetime. You can tell that the shouts have been going through a cluster of things because of the lyrics and their music choice. Speaking of the albums, in Rubber Soul, Michelle, this vocal is all about cosmos in love with a girl that is French. The lyrics explain that this man is absolutely in love with this woman and he is doing everything possible to appearing her that. He just expects to inform her that she has nothing to worry about and that he wants to be her everything.He always tells her that he loves her on the account of her being French and because the only words that she understands in English. This guy has proven that he is in love with this woman when he says I admit to, I need to, I need to. I need to mak e you see,Oh, what you mean to me. Until I do Im hoping you leadKnow what I mean. I love you I admire these lyrics because this man is trying his best to prove to this woman that he is really in love and he is going to do whatever it takes to get her to understand. However, I really dislike the beat that was make with this numbers.The beat and the way there were singing make it seem like there were not interest at all in the girl they were singing about.. scarce The Beach Boys took a different way with Wouldnt it be squeamish The lyrics says Wouldnt it be nice if we were olderThen we wouldnt have to wait so recollectiveAnd wouldnt it be nice to live togetherIn the kind of world where we belongYou live on its gonna make it that much betterWhen we can say goodnight and stoppage together And when I hear these lyrics I conceptualise of my own relationship because that is where Im at in my life.The song has a very nice beat, with the guys singing so lovely and joyful. In this song he explains how he has either a c drowse off friend or a girlfriend and wants to make it where they can dismount supporting together so they can hold onto one another all day and night, heat up to each other and possibly get married. They dont want to continue talking about living together they want to make it happen. Both songs have good reasoning of showing they are in love with the person they are communicating with. I personally think both songs are dire because they speak about real love in my eyes. except I liked the song Wouldnt it be nice because it really shows a lot of love and affection and I can personally draw with the song. I can personally connect with the song because my boyfriend and I feel the same acquire way when it comes to this song. On the Rubber Soul album, there is a song called Wait and it is very beautiful. This man has asked either his friend or girlfriend to wait for him until he had come home again. They have had some ups and downs, like regu lar couples do and he just wants her to wait for him. If her heart is still broken subsequently all the stuff they been through, consequently he does not want her to wait for him.But if she can wait, he hopes that she will not move on and just wait for his return. In the song he says Its been a long time, now Im coming stake home. Ive been away now, oh, how Ive been alone. Wait till I come back to your side,well go away the tears we cried. But if your heart breaks dont wait, turn me away. And if your hearts strong, hold on, I wont I thought it was so wonderful. But it still leaves questions like why did he leave in the first place and where did he go? But I also want to know what made him want to leave knowing that he didnt want to lose her.As the song plays, it sounds very exciting, but I just dont like all of the instruments being used throughout this song. Its like they were trying too hard to make something of the song. Besides, there is a song called, You still believe in m e by the Beach Boys. In this song a guy is probably not where he needs to be mentally or physically. He has done so much to this girl that she still shows him love and support. He has tried his hardest to be what she wants him to be but cannot attend the way that he acts when she is not with him.In the lyrics he says Every time we break up, you bring back your love to me, And aft(prenominal) all Ive done to you, How can it be As you can see, he has realized that he has done something very terrible to her a couple times and he is trying to figure out why does she keeps forgiving him and still believes in him. Now the instruments they have decided to use for this song is so perfect and relaxing. I really like how they changed their voice tones throughout the song from a high to modest pitch. In both of these songs, you can tell that these guys have women that really love them and want to be with them.Even after all of the tears an heart break, they still want to continue lovely the m so deeply and strong. But the song that I really enjoyed was You still believe in me. I really enjoyed this song because I can kind of relate this song to my relationship. At the beginning of our relationship, he was not mentally pay off to settle down but after two months he settled down and was fully affiliated to me. Also there were a lot of things he didnt believe in his self about but I helped him to start believing in his self because I believed in him.Speaking of both of the bands, they most unimpeachably speak on the love for the woman they are in a relationship with. In the song Caroline, No, by the Beach Boys, the woman told him that she would never change herself and eventually she did. In the song he says, Where did you long hair go, Where is the girl I use to know, How could you lose that happy glow Oh, Caroline no, And by him saying those words, you can tell he is a little upset because she said that she would never change. As I listen to the song, I can feel the pain that he is going through, and know that he is very emotional.While you listen to the beat its very smooth and touching. In contrast, the song stretch forth for your life has a very fast beat and it sounds very exciting. Im surprised at the beat and the way they are singing because you would have thought they would have been very angry or would have had a very hard mean beat instead of a happy one. When he says, Well Id alternatively see you dead, little girl, Than to be with another man, You better keep your head, little girl, Or I want know where I am, I feel so sorry for that girl that she even had to go through that tragedy.I couldnt imagine a guy wanting to kill a little girl because she does not want to be with him. But back in the day, I guess those are the type of things that you would have had to expect. But its very sad because as we speak, now days many little girls lose the lives because they choose not to be with someone and the person felt like if you didnt want to be with them then they dont want you to be with nobody else. Then they will kill you so that you would not be adequate to date other concourse. There is some love in these songs but more of affection.It is crazy how guys think now days about how to be in a relationship and it still happens in at present society. Most of all I really adore the song Caroline, No because you can feel that he is upset and he wants the old her back. As a final point, I really enjoyed the Pet Sound album the most because of the adoration, attachment, and friendship that was delineated throughout the album. But I can also say that I enjoyed the Rubber Souls album because some of the lyrics but it was the instruments that were used that I didnt care for.Even though these people had hard times throughout their life as far as the love goes, they still made it and I hope they eventually found true love. There were many similarities and differences that were approached throughout these two albums because of the way they expressed their love and care for their woman. But both of the albums were really based on love. So back to the question I ask earlier, have you ever heard of the Beach Boys, Pet Sound album and the Beatles, Rubber Soul? After reading this essay Im pretty sure you will want to locution them up and get to know them especially if you are in love with someone.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Exercise Promotes Healthy Lifestyle Essay

A good diet and sufficient rest be grave to pay off a healthy lifestyle but are not the only things to consider. When performed properly, utilization provides countless benefits that keister further improve your quality of life. Regular exercise is an essential part of efficient weight want and weight man periodment. Exercising asshole also help thwart several diseases and improve a someones over every well being. Whether it is a sport use, a utilisation regimen, chores around the house, or kibibyte work, all these types of physical activity are beneficial.Adapting an active lifestyle through exercising washstand be enjoyable and rewarding. Physical activity requires an individual to increase their level of exercising. According to Mayo Clinic staff, adults seeking a healthy lifestyle should include aerobic exercise and strength cultivation in their fitness plans, specifically (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2013) * At least 150 minutes of restrain aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week * Strength training exercises at least twice a weekEvery persons level, whether new to exercising or a seasoned trainer, will be different therefore tailoring a workout program is an open venue for each person to explore. Different stages of exercise intensity can be researched to identify which stage a person can start. For beginners who are unsure about overexerting themselves, a moderate intensity, aerobic activity such as brisk walking is generally safe for most people. approximately critics mention that physical activity may lead to a act of injuries. Exercising that involves moderate to spicy violation puts stress on the body.Even though this helps to build bone density, an individual who already has touchy bones can damage a bone under the smallest amount of stress or impact (Tesch, 2011). This may hold true, however when performed correctly as well as starting at the countenance intensity, these inju ries are greatly minimized. Thats why its key to start slowly and to gradually increase the progression of intensity. Undesirable circumstances, such as a heart attack, are likely not to return during exercise sessions. Daily exercising should be implemented in the everyday routine, no matter the age or fitness level.Physical activity tones the body, increases muscle strength, maintains strong bones, and promotes healthier skin. Other benefits of exercising firmness of purpose in better sleep and increased relaxation, a more positive mental state, and an enhanced resistive system. Numerous researches show that incorporating an active lifestyle, through the use of an established workout program, have positive outcomes for all areas of health, including mental, emotional, intellectual, and even social well-being, not just for physical health.Exercise also increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brains response to stress. Exercise releases endorp hins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria. (Breene, 2013). Physical activity has been know to enhance mental clarity and efficiency. It is also linked with better thinking, learning, and judgment. Inquiries have revealed that exercise improves symptoms amid the clinically depressed. This is why physicians suggest, individuals suffering from melancholy or apprehension, should employ exercise in their daily lives.It has been proven, in a number of cases that proper exercise is as helpful as anti-depressant medication. The enhancement of a general mood can be achieved by just working out for thirty minutes per session, a couple generation a week. If time does not permit the utilization of the gym, a workout video can be very helpful. These videos are fun, easy to follow, and they are accompanied with great music. Because of the vast amount of videos, there are options of category and stage of health.If planning to develop a workout regimen in the near afterlife here are s ome examples of the type of videos that are available. Selections such as beginning aerobics, weight lifting, ravel and even exercise for parents in the company of their kids. Options to participate in physical activity are infinite. root on the one that is most interesting to you, regardless if it is jogging, swimming, walking, and roller skating, or jumping rope. The most important point is to be physically active. In a brief amount of time, positive results will be achieved.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Cognitive Explanation of Gambling Addiction (10 Mark)

Outline and evaluate the cognitive explanation of caper addiction (4 marks + 6 marks) The cognitive explanation of addiction focuses on the way humans influence information, viewing addicts as people who have faulty thoughts/judgements. The faulty thinking that surrounds a drama addiction, fit to the cognitive approach, is the belief that we will win, or at least be able to control the odds of winning, for example, a gambling addict, using his/her lucky numbers on the lottery gives them some control over the outcome of the gamble.According to the cognitive model, a gambling addiction may be maintained by incorrect or erroneous beliefs. For example, some gamblers may misjudge how much money they have won or lost, or they may over-estimate the extent to which they can predict/influence gambling outcomes. Griffiths held a study feel into these infatuated biases, using fruit machine gamblers. His aim was to discover whether regular gamblers thought and behaved differently to non -regular gamblers.He compared the verbalisations of 30 regular and 30 non-regular gamblers as they played a fruit machine. Griffiths found that regular gamblers believed they were more skilful than they really were, and that they were more likely to make irrational verbalisations during play, for example, regular players may say putting alone a quid in bluffs the machine, or they would treat the machine as if it were a person, swelled it emotions this fruity isnt in a good mood. Regular gamblers also explained away their losings be seeing near misses as near wins, i. . they werent constantly losing but constantly virtually winning, something that justified their continuation. The cognitive model also uses heuristics as an explanation of addictive behaviour. Heuristics are use to simplify decisions and justify behaviour, for example, some gamblers will have hindsight bias, saying after a gambling session that they knew what was going to happen. This makes gamblers feel empowered as it suggests they have some control over their wins/losses. an other(a)(prenominal) gamblers may use flexible attribution this is where they ttribute any wins to their own skill and any losses to other influences. Others may solely concentrate on how much they won ignoring how much they lost to get it. This is called tyrannical frequency bias. The theories of the cognitive approach are strengthened by the substantial amount of evidence that supports its ecumenic principles, for example, it has been shown that alcoholics, smokers, over-eaters, gamblers and opiate addicts were particularly likely to lapse when they experienced negative emotional states.A further strength of the model is that it has initiated implications for treatment, for example, the cognitive approach has made clear that the relapse prevention model must be tailored to each(prenominal) individual addict. However, the model is criticised as there have been claims that unreason is an erratic predictor of addic tive behaviour, irrationality does not appear to have a strong relationship with other observable assets of gambling, such as level of risk taking or reinforcement frequency.Therefore cause and effect of cognitive bias cannot be established. Cognitive explanations may also be limited to particular addictions, for example, it may be less applicable to chemical addictions like heroin, but is useful and effective explanation for gambling or video crippled addiction. It is also difficult to establish cause and effect over skill perception and gambling beliefs about skill in gambling vary across individuals, such beliefs are not necessarily irrational either.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Book Report †Fault in Our Stars Essay

Meaning of the titleThe fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we atomic number 18 underlings. was verbalise in Shakespe atomic number 18s play Julius Caesar. Saying that it is not fate that decides our future, but instead our own failings. That you ar to blame for the bad thing that happen in your life. But the title The Fault in our Stars says that sometimes its not our fault things happen in life, sometimes we cant control it thither will be problems along the way, and we just have to have sex with it.Brief summaryHazel, an average teen who thinks she is going to die. She was diagnosed with cancer when she was young, and has trouble with her lungs. She then met a boy called Augustus in the Support Group. Augustus only had one leg because he had had osteosarcoma (A type of bone cancer). Hazel also made another sensation called Issac who eventually went blind. Augustus and her shared common interests like the take calledAn Imperial Affliction. They went on adventures to Amsterdam to inspect an author that Hazel idolizes. On their trip, they had some physical relations. However meeting the author wasnt simply what Hazel and Augustus had expected. Later on Issac dies, then Augustuss cancer later returnsStyle of WritingThe bill is written in Hazels point of view who is the narrator of the story. The writing in this give is easy to follow because its written in a conversational way. As if the reader was the maven. The book uses a lot of fascinating sentences and phrases to express the feelings and thoughts of Hazel Grace. The author likes using dialogues to tell the story.CharacterThe characters are quite believable because they are like any type of average teenager. However they have to deal with a small problem in their health affecting a big part of their life. The characters are very realistically portrayed and I think the author did a great job in describing the different characters.PlotThe plot is quite believable as it is not fiction. As readers, we can sometimes relate to the situations or even feel what the characters are feeling throughout the book. There are a lot of plot twists in the novel, so the reader would not know what is about to happen. This gives the story place more suspense and builds tension throughout the scenario.RecommendationI would recommend this book to young adults, because on that point is an incredible plot twist in the book which mesmerizes the reader and gives them grief. Making them want to be the protagonist of the story. The characters are about our age, and sometimes us teenagers or young adults can connect to what the characters in the book are going through. This book has a powerful story line which emphasize the life of how devil teenagers are fighting cancer, which has inspired and touch the teens heart.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Biopsychosocial Models for Schizophrenia

This paper will explore 1 of the most severe mental disorders, schizophrenic psychosis, with the goal of providing an actualized infrastanding of this disorder, including its etiology, course, epidemiology, diagnostic and treatment. Schizophrenia is characterized by an unadaptive pattern of worldwide though and emotions, including delusions, auditory hallucinations, paranoia, disorganized thinking and disorganized speech. These symptoms cause a significant impairment in personal and social life.There are a wide range of symptoms that can be present in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenic disorder, for which some(a) researchers pretend questioned the validity of the concept of schizophrenia as a single disorder (Baier, 2010). disrespect of the fact that the symptoms of schizophrenia continue to be considered as representing a unitary disorder, diagnostic manuals do break schizophrenia into different subtypes paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated and residual. Diagnosis is usually made on criteria established by the DSM-IV-TR or ICD-10.This criteria make use of self-reported make loves and clinical judgments of mental health professionals. The etiology of schizophrenia, while not completely understood, is approximation to be tortuous, as multiple factors seem to contri notwithstandinge to the development and the course of the disorder. While psychology-including abnormal psychology-has experience a significant increase of empirical knowledge in the last few decades, no another(prenominal) area of psychology research has developed as much as psychobiology (Baier, 2010).The technology available right away allows researchers to scan mavins-both topographical and functional hence, schizophrenic learning abilitys have been studied in order to seek egress for structural or functional differences in contrast to normal brains. Scientists have found several differences of brain structures in 40 to 50% of cases, as well as in brain chemistr y during psycho states (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2009). Brain imaging technologies-such as court and fMRI-showed functional differences in frontal lobes, temporal lobes and the hippocampus.Reduction in brain volume has also been observed in many cases, usually in the frontal cortex and the temporal lobes (Baier, 2010). Since neuronal circuits are altered, some scientists have proposed that schizophrenia is actually a manifestation of a shape of neurodevelopmental disorders (Baier, 2010). The neurotransmitter which seems to play the most important role in the development in the manifestation of schizophrenia is dopamine, in the mesolimbic pathway (Baier, 2010).The dopamine venture proposes that the excessive activation of D2 receptors cause the positive symptoms of schizophrenia (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2009). The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia is back up by data which proves the effectiveness of antipsychotics that block D2 receptors, but also on PET and SPET imaging. Nevertheless , as new practice of medicine with a different mechanism of action seem to have like effects (Baier, 2010), the dopamine hypothesis seems to be reductionist. Glutamate also seems to play a role in schizophrenia, as schizophrenic individuals tend to show a reduced function of the NMDA glutamate receptor.Reduced function of glutamate is linked to lower writ of execution on taks that require the frontal lobe and the hippocampus. Genetic data suggests that schizophrenia is highly heritable apparently transmitted vulnerability in interaction with certain environmental factors are a mutual cause of the disorder. equal studies results estimate an 80% of heritability of the disorders. Concordance rates between twins are around 50% for monozygotic twins and around 17% for dizygotic twins (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2009).On the other hand, molecular genetic studies attempt to chance on specific genes which may contribute to the etiology of schizophrenia. Until now, allelic variation of two g enes show a stronger correlation with schizophrenia dysbindin (DTNBP2) and neuregulin (NRG1) (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2009). Several environmental factors can contribute to the development and course of schizophrenia. Prenatal factors, such as obstetric complications, maternal malnutrition, maternal stress or even been born in winter or spring or are common risk factors for schizophrenia,though they do not represent factors of high-risk (Baier, 2010). Less-common factors for schizophrenia are increased paternal age and gluten intolerance. Studies with small samples have identified certain psychosocial factors that are potential to be risk factors for schizophrenia living in urban areas, poor family environment, low socio-economic level, disrupt condition behavior, low social competence and immaturity (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2009).Schizophrenia affects about 0. 7% of world population. It is reasonably more common in males (1.4 times) and the usually ages of onset are 20-28 years for men and 26-32 years for women. Different countries have slightly different rates of schizophrenia, which reflect the importance of environmental effects in the development of the disorder (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2009).Schizophrenia is a societal concern, as it cause considerable costs. Life expectancy is 15 years lower in schizophrenic individuals, in great part due to the comorbidities of the disorder, such as depression and substance abuse. Three-fourth of schizophrenics have disability with relapses (Baier, 2010).Most people with schizophrenia have an independent life, though sometimes they make use of club support. There is a high suicide rate in schizophrenic population, around 4. 9%, which shouldnt come as a surprise considering that many schizophrenic also suffer from different forms of clinical depression (Baier, 2010). Modern treatment of schizophrenia corresponds to the bio-psycho-social paradigm. About all schizophrenics receive antipsychotics, many times in combination with ps ychological and social intervention.Antipsychotics are efficient at reducing positive symptoms, but work to do the same with negative symptoms and with cognitive functions. There is evidence that a continue use of antipsychotics prevents relapse, but not longer than 2-3 years.Antipsychotics are classified into typical and temporary, and little evidence suggest that any of them is fracture than the other (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2009). Typical antipsychotics tend to provoke a higher rate of extrapyramidal side effects, while atypical antipsychotics are associated with weight gain, metabolic syndrome and diabetes (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2009).Psychosocial intervention for those with schizophrenia include family therapy, cognitive remediation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, assertive community treatment, skills training, supported employment, token economic intervention and interventions for weight management or substance abuse. Currently new medication and psychotherapies for treating schi zophrenia are been investigated. Minocyclines effects in schizophrenia, a bacteriostatic antibiotic, is currently under study, giving its great penetration into the central nervous system (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2009).On the other hand, nidotherapy is been applied by some clinicians this therapy aims at changing the environment of schizophrenic individuals, in order to improve their capacity to adapt (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2009).It is to be seen whether this new treatments will prove effective or not. As it has been showed throughout this paper, schizophrenia is a complex disorder, and it cannot be explained or treated from a reductionist perspective. Hence, most researchers and clinicians adopt a bio-psycho-social perspective, which reflects in theories of schizophrenia as well as in its management.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Cultural Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Cultural Anthropology - Essay ExampleIt is partly due to the very reality that somatogenetic anthropology studies physical changes humans sustain experienced with the passage of time, term cultural anthropology examines the alt sequencetions humans have find in their social life by adopting different changes according to their needs in order to carry through under the always transforming conditions and circumstances all around them for the future years to come. Although sharing several commonalities with biology, physics, and environmental sciences, cultural anthropology also seeks close proximity with history, sociology and political science in nature, scope, and approach. Somehow, approach to analyze historical events focuses upon estimating the life patterns of the ruling class, including the kings and queens, their rise and fall, involvement in wars and expeditions and causes, incidents, effects and impacts of their rule and ultimate downfall at the hands of their fate or opponents. Historical events be estimated with the help of the available records including the coins, written documents, chronicles, biographies and the literature of the era under analysis. Somehow, it does not mean that the historians neglect the activities of the masses and common people altogether. On the contrary, these cultural aspects are also taken into account by the historians, though the particular focus remains in the scrutiny of the activities attributed to the royalty and elite stratum of that society. Cultural anthropological approach concentrates upon fossil remains and archaeological records in order to estimate the nature and magnitude of transformations humans have witnessed during the course of time. It is of the opinion that human societies have reached the present state of affairs after making a long and continuous struggle for their excerpt by adopting imperative alterations in almost all parts of their present physical form. They witnessed tremendous is sue and remarkable advancements in all fields including modes of expressions and communication i.e. language, as well as in spiritual practices, economic developments, technological revolution, socio-political advancements and much more. It also discusses the cultural traits and patterns of collective behavioral life including folklore, dance, music, faith, marriage and finish up and much more. It is by dint of the astonishing advancements made by man that humans are leading comparatively more comfortable and luxurious life in comparison with their ancestors. Another major divergence while studying both history and cultural anthropology, it becomes evident that the former evaluates the politics, legal framework, conspiracies and intrigues, and internal conflicts and revolts and external threats as well faced by the rulers on the contrary, the latter draws out social norms, cultural values, religious cults, traditions, customs, conventions, taboo, folklore and tactile sensation sy stem observed by the people. Hence, cultural anthropology lays stress upon language and dresses, sexual behavior and gender identity, head game and marriage systems, economic activities and means of earning, and collective behavior of the individuals in their social, economic, political and cultural activities.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Select two of the movies that we have studied and compare and contrast Essay

Select two of the movies that we have studied and compare and contrast how they represent national personal identity and the national pas - Essay ExampleThe success of the movies in bringing out matters of identity and national tenorer(prenominal) are immense enough to be contrasted and compared in a meaningful and sustainable debate, as shall be seen forthwith. It is important to note that in goodish Bye, Lenin nationalism is still regarded as being propounded by the exploits of a state. This can be seen in the instance where Alex Kerner remembers as a child, how he as the first German and in the company of his compatriots, proudly entered space. The fact that this forms part of the movies prologue and is presented as a form of flashback, is significant. The significance of the scene is important since it portrays this national occasion as important to the state which is Germany. This caption seems to outline that national exploits make citizens more proud (of their country) an d inspire the we-feeling among citizens. The case immediately in a higher place converges ways with Bergmans The Seventh Seal. This is because, the theme of loyalty to ones state is extolled, though nationalism is not soundly mentioned in Bergmans work. The extolling of nationalism in The Seventh Seal is seen in Knight Antonius Block obediently carry out the Crusades. The Crusades were sanctioned by the state under the tutelage of the monarch. Because of his loyalty to his state, Block engages in the Crusades, even if such engagements may portend risking life. The difference between the two movies is underpinned by the disparity of prison term in which they are set. While Good Bye, Lenin has a setting that dates back to the chilly War (probably mid-fifties to 1990), The Seventh Seal has a setting that can date between 1095 and 1291 AD. In both cases, the excogitation of patriotism to ones country was still regarded as paramount (Vermilye, 2006, 29). In the movie Good Bye, Leni n the family is portrayed as having an immense influence on the personality and identity of an individual. For instance, after Alexs become flees to West Berlin, Alex has no recourse to living with his mother Christiane, his sister Ariane and Paula, Alexs niece who is also Arianes daughter. In the absence of Alexs father, his mother Christiane becomes an ardent follower of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and a organic idealist (Fisher and Prager, 2010, 17). It is most probable that the author of Good Bye, Lenin writes the movie with a mind of conservative. This is seen in the flair in which he devotes his time to discuss the effect of national policies on the family. By highlighting the salute of Christiane, Alex and Ariane after the head of the family flees to West Berlin, the audience is made aware of the import of unfriendly policies and absentee fatherhood. It helps that the author uses Alex as a mouthpiece and the protagonist so that in him, the audience is made aware of the far gain damages that accost an unstable family. Again, the author unites the family in the end, and thereby implying the triumph over the family, over state-sanctioned barbarian policies. It therefore suffices to say that the author tends towards familism rather than individualism, for he had the prerogatives to draw out a plotline that centres on an individual (in lieu of a family), yet he does not. It is also clear that in the period between 1945 (when Cold War started) and 1990 (when Cold War ended) had stronger family values, compared to the moment. Therefore, it is logical that Good Bye, Lenin contains strong family values. As opposed to the case above where the author as an

Monday, May 13, 2019

Palestine israeli conflict for international relations class Research Paper

Palestine israeli difference for international relations grade - Research Paper ExampleThe common thing in both perspectives of the Israeli and Palestinian conflict is that the main reason is on the issue of land and there are serious consequences that accompany the conflict. there has been loss of land, loss of lives and immigration of the people from their ancestral lands in order to obtain safety in other countries.The research on international relations relate to the Palestinian Israeli conflict. The research composing examines the conflict from a Palestinian perspective. The research will conduct an analysis of the cause of the conflict, which constitute the factors that lead to the start of the fight. The history of the conflict helps in understanding the causes, effects, interventions, and future of the conflict. The two parties could just have substantially settled their conflicts amicably, but this has not been the case. Both territories have seen the need for continui ng to fight a war that started way before they existed. The help from outside parties in trying to arbitrate the conflict have win pushed the countries into further and more serious measures of dealing with the conflict. There are several impacts that have resulted from the conflict. Israel, for example, has become a highly militarized country, with every gender from the teenage years becoming full soldiers. It is a ceremony of passage for the children to become soldiers when they reach a certain age.For the Palestinians, the oppression they have suffered at the hands of the Israelis has make them have a lot of hate and discorporate trust for the Israelites. The Palestinians also do not have trust in the external parties who have had a history of favoring the Israelites over them when it came to the conflict. The Palestinians further blame outside forces for to a great extent contributing to the fight. From the Palestinian perspective, the Palestinians are the wronged party, and they would not concede to the Israelites. They want revenge and