Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Counseling Minors - 2374 Words

Running head: COUNSELING MINORS: ETHICAL AND LEGAL 1 Counseling Minors: Ethical and Legal Issues Involved Alexandra Martin Walden University COUNSELING MINORS: ETHICAL AND LEGAL 2 Mental health counselors have many things to consider when working with clients. Providing services to clients comes with several expectations. Some of the factors which counselors must be aware of include: cultural differences, environmental influences, client expectations, and stages of development which can all play a part in the needs of that particular client. Also included in this group of factors that must be considered are the ethical and legal responsibilities which play a vital role in the†¦show more content†¦Although there is language that exists within the law to protect counselors who make reports of suspected abuse or neglect, the same is not COUNSELING MINORS: ETHICAL AND LEGAL 5 extended for failure to report such suspected occurrences (Remley Herlihy, 2010). Counselors may be hesitant in reporting such information if they are struggling ethically with releasing confidential information but should keep in mind that the ACA (2005) Code standard A.4.a., discusses the counselor behaving in such a way as to avoid harm to their client. This may pose another ethical dilemma to the counselor who must now determine if either reporting the suspected abuse or the possible deterioration of the trusting therapeutic relationship due to the reporting, would cause more harm to the client. The counselor must be vigilant in ensuring that personal values or feelings regarding the situation do no influence their decisions (ACA, A.4.b., 2005) Addressing the Issue The counselor should utilize clinical skills to determine additional information regarding the suspected abuse or neglect (Remley Herlihy, 2010). This attempt at gathering additional information is supported in the ACA Code of Ethics. The ACA (2005) Code section B.1.b. explains that to be respectful of a client’s privacy, gathering only information that is necessary for the counseling process is acceptable. When reporting the counselor should discloseShow MoreRelatedCounseling Minors: The Legal Rights of Minors1780 Words   |  7 PagesThe following essay summarizes prescriptions for counselors in the following factors: counseling minors, legal rights of the minors, the rights of the parents, release of records, confidentiality, and reporting suspected abuse or neglect. The ACA and NBCC websites will be accessed for primary material and this will be substantiated by secondary sources. 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